Chapter 4: It all begins

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When I awoke again, everything was dim-lit. I could see a small lamp hanging from the ceiling. Nothing else was inside the small room. There was a door that I could barely see. I tried to get up, but I felt too exhausted. It was like there were weights on my legs to keep me from getting up. I slowly lifted my hands up to see that they were tightly bounded with strong rope. I tried to untie the rope, but I was still weak in strength. Then the door opened. There was the same man that was at my house. The same man who kidnapped me. I was about to scream, but my mind told me not to. The man walked slowly towards me and then roughly pulled me up. I felt like my arms were about to be dislocated. I was taken through the door, and the light blinded me. I shielded my eyes the best I could, but I didn’t have my hands to shield the light. The man dragged me through the bright corridors. Then he opened another door, which was darker then the room I was in before. Inside there was a faint smell of cigarette smoke. Then there was a voice. Its voice was hoarse. He sounded grim and full of loathe. He spoke in a slow pattern to me. His voice gave me chills that ran up my spine when he said, “Bring the girl to me.”

The man pushed me towards the unknown person. I was pushed farther into the darkness, and soon I saw the unknown man a bit more clearly. The man was very round and he was wearing a black suit. In his mouth I could see a cigarette with fresh smoke coming from it. The man spoke to me again, “Do you know why you were brought here?”


“Well, then you may know the star Mary-Ann?”


“You wished to know about your true past, am I right?”


“Then you should know that your darkest wishes are about to come true.” the man said with smallest smirk on his face.

“Darkest wishes?” I asked.

“You shall see in due time. Berlet, take the girl to the dresser and get her fitted into something that is not night clothing.”

Berlet nodded his head and then grabbed my left arm, practically wrenching it towards the door. When we had reached the hallway, I tried to pull away from him, but his arm strength was greater than mine. I was pulled to the very last room to the left. Inside the room smelled of vanilla. Berlet let go of my arm and gestured sharply to the chair toward the corner. I walked slowly toward the chair, while rubbing my arm because of how red it had become. I sat down in the chair and waited to see what would happen next.

Berlet left the room and shut the door behind him. Then you could hear the small click and that told me that I was locked inside the room. Sighing deeply, I knew what I was going to have to do. I walked over to the mahogany closet and opened it. Inside there were dresses. There were the colors red, blue, green, and even more that I couldn’t name. As for a decision, I grabbed the first dress off its hanger and changed. After I changed, I walked toward the mirror and stared at the dress I had chosen. The dress was a darker shade red, had a design of roses at the top of the dress, and was actually quite long. I could still run in it, but I wouldn’t be able to run as fast as I could. It was no gown, but it felt like one to me for some reason. I twirled around in my new dress a few times, and then started to head toward the door. Right when I had reached the door knob, I heard an eerie noise come from behind me. I stood frozen, and then slowly I pivoted around toward where the noise came from. 

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