Chapter One

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Wrapping my arms around myself, I take in the sights from what would soon be my new, and first, office. Boxes and piles of folders containing old files were scattered along the floor giving the room a messy appeal. This is the room I'll be spending a good amount of time in from today on.

From what I can recall just a week ago the walls before me used to be a light shade of rosy red, but they were now an alerting white followed by a black and white wallpaper design on the wall where the bookshelves are directly placed at.

Thankfully, it was newly renovated since the previous occupant whose room this belonged to retired leaving the room open for me.

A delicate voice says behind me, "How are you settling in?"

I immediately recognize it to be my brother Andrew's voice. You'd think someone who frequently does drugs would have a raspy and harsh voice but the tone of his voice has always had a gentle aspect which is rare and nice... at least to me it is. It always has been.

I turn my body to face him and see him holding the wrecked storage box, which could fall at any moment. I motion him to walk towards me and he does, oblivious to the situation that could occur if he walks too fast. All it took was for him to take two shortsighted steps for me to grab the box away from him and place it on the floor.

As I lean against the clean desk, I blow air out of my mouth causing the hair concealing my face to cover another part that I'm not entirely bothered with.

Andrew takes a seat on the nearest couch to me. "You never answered my question." He grabs a snow globe from the floor that belonged to the previous owner.

Could he be any more disturbing than this? "I'm settling in fine, Andrew," I hiss, scowling at him.

He lifts both hands in defeat, releasing his grip on the snow globe, letting it fall to the wooden floor. "Fuck! I'm sorry." His grey eyes quickly meet mine, remorse filled in them.

Come on, I just began to settle in this cluttered room, and now there is broken glass and a small puddle of water spreading throughout the floor to a folder already there.

"Andrew," I whine.

Trying to keep myself from growing angry at my brother, I breathe in and out slowly like a normal person would do. Before I can snatch the folder, the water approaches it drenching the papers inside quickly. I grab the folder and try my best to dry it off. To my bad luck, the papers were already stuck together. I carefully rip them apart and begin to lay out each of the them on the desk, hoping they can dry before getting more damaged than they already are. As I lay out the papers on the desk I look at my watch and curse below my breath.

I nearly forgot I had to meet with my overseer.

I turn back to my brother. He's kneeling, picking at the shards of the now broken snow globe. I can tell he feels guilty about letting it fall. Thinking about it, It's not even a big deal. The files inside don't even belong to me, no harm done, right?

Andrew takes the glass in his hand and throws them in a storage box labeled 'To be thrown'.

"Sorry, again. I really didn't mean to," he apologizes.

He rubs his hands together, flinching at the slightest contact he feels. I narrow my eyes as I make my way to him. From where I stand, I can see a rather medium sized shard of glass impaled in his hand. I try to hold his hand and help remove the shard from his hand, but he brushes me off. I sigh and back off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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