Chapter 1

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5:45 AM
Monday, July 16, 2019
Davenport, Iowa
11 Months and 24 Days left

"Beeeeep!!! Beeeeep!!!" Screams my alarm clock. Groggily, I roll onto my side and turn it off. I then pry myself out of bed to get ready for another week of my boring job.

I'm Jack and I work as an engineer for  a big tractor company. It's a pretty boring job but at least it pays well. Then again I don't have much else going on right now so I guess work will have to do. Not that have much of a choice.

Either way I still have to get ready for work. While I am getting dressed I decide to turn on the news just for something to listen to, ya know. So I turn on the news and the anchor man starts to go on about all the stories they are going to be covering this morning. All of the stories sound pretty typical and don't pique my interest so I don't bother to look at the TV. That is untill one of the stories comes up that seems a heck of a lot more important than all of the others. In fact I even snuck a glance at the TV to see what they were talking about. But, when I heard what they were saying I almost couldn't believe my ears. The info card at the bottom of the screen only read one thing:

"Breaking News: Scientists from NASA say the end of the world could be closer than we think!"

Intrigued, I kept watching while I ate my breakfast on the couch infront of my TV. A reporter comes on the screen saying...

"According to our sources, the Sun is expanding at a super fast rate and is expected to consume the Earth in under a year from now!!"

She says the last few words with a look of panic spread across her face.
At first I didn't believe what I was hearing then my TV screen suddenly went black. After a moment or two bold red text appeared on the screen, this time it said:


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