Gopal told me - Part 2

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Dhruva told him that one needs to fly to Hyderabad, then by taxi, for a few hours, go to a village called Vedagiri. There, lives the main priest. The mountain is located in five kilometers from the village. One needs to know the pathways in the jungle. The priest goes there only once a week. If one wants to have a darshan, they have to come on the eve of the day and go with him there.

Ganeshwara did exactly that. He took two devotees and went to the village. They found the priest and went with him to the mountain. They saw the jungle, herds of wild monkeys, and snakes. In the cave they saw bats hanging above their heads, walked in the water up to a human chest, and finally got the darshan. They realized that it is unrealistic to live there and it is simply dangerous.

Ganeshwara went back to Vrindavan, then he called Pada Sevanam and said, "I went there. It's impossible to live there, just stay with the devotees and live normal life. Krishna has a different plan."

"Gopal told me to go and I will, anyway. I bought tickets and I am arriving in two weeks. Please meet me."

What should I do? Ganeshwara thought. Imagine, taking 74 years old woman to the jungle and leaving her there. Imagine a man who gets snowed under with such a sudden mission. It's like Lakshman would take Sita to the forest and leave. How can I leave a devotee of her age in the jungle where there is no water, no electricity, no food, absolutely nothing, only wild animals nearby?

Alright, he planned: we'll bring her to Vrindavan. She would see the deities of Radha and Krishna, sink in that nectar atmosphere and then we will make the right decision, that she should better stay in Vrindavan. Her heart will open and God's plans will change. That was the plan.

He meets her at the airport. She comes with all her tens of deities, what devotees were bringing to her-several pairs of Radha Krishna, a number of Gopals, Govardhana Shilas, Shaligram Shilas, different pictures, etc. That all she brought with her in her suitcases.

Ganeshwara met her and said, "A taxi is waiting. We will go to Vrindavan first and then decide what to do in a few days."

She got really tensed. "I need to go to Nrsimhadev immediately, He is suffering because no one serves Him! How can I go to Vrindavan and enjoy myself there?"

"But Pada Sevanam, you have never been to Vrindavan," said Ganeshwara. "It's only a few kilometers away, we need to go there. When would you go there otherwise?"

She said, "If you don't want to go there with me, just tell me where to go, I'll get a ticket and go by myself!"

Ganeshwara thought, I can't leave her!

Then, he buys tickets, they fly to Hyderabad, taxi brings them to Vedagiri. Ganeshwara takes her to the priest, hoping that he would open her eyes to see the reality. They go to the priest. He is around 70 years old his self, his son is 30. Ganeshwara explains through his son (he translates) that this woman is from a different country, she is from Azerbaijan, and she got a revelation that your Nrsimhadev calls her and that she needs to come and serve Him here. She packed her things and came.

When the priest hears that his eyes doubles in size.

He says, "What Nrsimha? Do you understand what you are saying? Live here? We, adult men can't live there. It's dangerous there, there are no facilities-no water, no food, no electricity. You don't know what you are talking about! I cannot provide protection for you, so as the main priest I can't let you worship there!"

Pada Sevanam becomes very serious, looks at the priest with a trying look and says, "If Krishna wants to kill someone, would you be able to protect that person, regardless of the place in this universe, even in your house? If Krishna wants to protect someone, who can kill that person?"

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