"Is that enough proof for you?" I ask grumpily.

"Yes. Now, go to your room, it's late." Nodding my head reluctantly, I make my way up the creaky stairs and walk into my bedroom. Plonking down at my bay window, I stare out at the twinkling stars that are scattered across the night sky.

The image of the monster boy I saw tonight floods back into my mind. The truth is, that wasn't the first time I've seen him. I've been watching him most nights for a week now. I know, I know, that's creepy, But he is just so fascinating - tonight especially.

I remember how he stayed so close to the streetlights that it seemed he was afraid of the dark, though I'm sure he wasn't. He wore dark clothes, the type that you would assume someone in a motorcycle gang would wear; a leather jacket, dark skinny jeans and bulky black boots. Everything about him screamed danger. My subconscious was yelling for me to run, but the way his chocolate brown eyes shone in the dark, as if they were glowing, was so mesmerising, so magical. I couldn't help but stare at him. Everything about him was so scary yet so alluring at the same time.

Soon he saw me. He looked right into my eyes, as if he could see my very soul. His own eyes seemed to glow brighter, making me feel almost.. Hypnotised. As a beautiful toothy grin took over his face he tilted his head slightly, taking a small step closer to me. I can't quite describe what it felt like but it seemed like he was communicating with me without actually talking. It seemed like he was in my mind talking to me in a language I couldn't quite understand. It was jumbled gibberish in my head but for some reason it had an affect on me. It had me stepping closer, my eyes not being able to leave his.

Eventually a group of loud ass drunks came wobbling down the street in his direction, making the contact of our eyes brake. He managed to run away before any of them spotted him. I'll never forget his face when he saw them. It held a mixture of different emotions that I can't quite put my finger on, but for some reason it made something pang in my chest.

I think everything my father has ever taught me about them has been the complete opposite of the truth. I don't think these creatures, that we call monsters, are really that bad, just... Misunderstood. But of course I have no way of knowing for sure and if I told my father he would lecture me about how they are "bloodthirsty scum" and how I should be very much afraid of them.

But maybe I don't want to live my life in fear of them. Maybe I don't want to have to walk around with the constant anxiety that a monster is somewhere among us, getting ready to claim it's prey.

Yes, I am cautious of them, but caution should not be confused with fear. I'm not afraid of those misunderstood beings... Not completely anyway.

My phone begins to ring next to me, making me jump. I quickly grab it and press answer, stopping the loud noise. I listen for a second before talking, making sure my dad didn't hear the noise.

"Hello?" I whisper, my shoulders tense and my hands tremble a little. My heart is racing from the sudden shock.

"Hey violence!" My bestfriends voice chirps happily through the phone. I smile and giggle at his nickname for me, relaxing again.

"Hey Jo-jo." I say back happily, still trying to keep my voice low. I hear him groan and I laugh, remembering how much he hates when I call him that. "Sorry joey."

"So Vi, I was, um, wondering if you would like to hangout tomorrow night. We could go to that nice restaurant in town." The smile on my face widens and I nod my head.

"Violet? You there?" I soon realise he can't see me and I blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh! Yeah, that would be awesome Jo-Jo! I'd love to." okay, maybe I'm a bit excited about going to dinner with him.

"A-awesome, so I'll meet you there then? At seven?"

"At seven." I smile. We both say goodbye and hang up, a small blush coming to my cheeks. A little squeak escapes my mouth and I clamp my eyes shut, trying to hold in my emotion. I take a deep breath and open my eyes again, relaxing myself.

Yawning quietly, I walk over to my bed and lay down. I look out the window one last time before closing my eyes and falling asleep, a smile on my face.


(Hi everyone. So what did you think? I'm excited for this story(: I hope you are also.!

Can you guess who the boy that she has been watching is? ;)

So, in case some of you are a bit confused ( WHICH IS COMPLETELY FINE(: ) the "Boy" she has been watching is a "Monster." You will learn a bit more about these monsters as the story goes along(: so if you don't understand right now, don't worry :)

But if you have questions about the monsters please ask me in the comments :D

Please vote and comment you lovely people!

Also I am terribly sorry that there isn't much happening in this chapter, I just needed a introduction into the story and this is what I came up with soooo.. :)

Anyway, Violets bestfriend Joey! I see him as Joey Graceffa :) that is who his looks are based on :) so look up "Joey Graceffa" in google images and drool over his gorgeousness :3 he is an American Youtuber :))


Also, I do not have a set date that I will update as I wrote as I go. I like to update and then work on the next chapter.

The chapters will HOPEFULLY get longer.

I am so sorry about the length of this one and the lack of Action, but every story has a beginning and this happens to be mine. :)

so just bare with me, and Next chapter something more interesting WILL happen!! :D

I'm also sorry the "monster" doesn't really come into this chapter, but he will NEXT CHAPTER! Promise! :D

Thank you all very much :) I hope I can at least get 1 vote and comment on this chapter x


Beast // Zayn Malik \\Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu