Chapter 2

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Gandhi said: "The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats animals"

This nation does not cost anything and has no values. I'm sick of it. (c) Harry 


''Stop it."

"I will if you tell me what will happens."
"I told you. Nothing."

"Who are you?"

"Never mind."

"You know who I am. And I don't have a clue who are you. It's not fair."

"I never asked you to talk to me."

"Why are you asking about it, then?"


"You just don't answer? I see you (he or she) still connected."


"So you're the boy."


- Louis?

I re-read our brief conversation with anonymous, which happened four days ago. Then, I could not say anything as he left the site. But now at least I know that it's a guy.

– Louis.

It was the second time he answered me and nothing since. I just send a new message with the count of the day.



I jump and close my Mac before looking up to see Eleanor, who by the way looked very irritated.

- What?

- I've been talking to you for five minutes but you don't seem to care!

I don't know whether to respond or not. She didn't like the answer. Incidentally, I don't understand why I sit with her now. Although, she had a pretty good arguments in the toilet of the club last week. Well, or her mouth and tongue were good arguments. I put my computer in my bag, sigh heavily and finally eat my burger.

- This is what you eat? - I can't help but ask her seeing three pieces of raw carrots on her plate.

- Yes, - she shrugs and I roll my eyes.

- Hey, you two, - Liam comes up behind me I bite into my burger to stifle my laughter when he sees Eleanor plate. - Are you on a diet?

- No, I'm keeping myself fit.

- And why are you doing that? Do you want to lose your bones? - And then it becomes stronger than me, I can't help looking at her surprised face, and begin to laugh hysterically. I quietly cough, and to impersonate the gentleman decides to intervene.

- Liam, gets off of her.

Obviously my expression betrayed me, and my best friend finally decided to change the subject. He handed me the flyer of an evening.

- This will be the party of the century! - I look at the paper, before answering.

- I can't go on that weekend, I need to go to my parents.

- Hell no! You can't do this to me, do that on another day.

- No, Liam. You know my father, and this weekend he wants to play golf, "like father and son." He will nag me all my life, if I don't come.

He does not insist, in the end, at his house all the same. Our fathers are partners, best friends and both complete bastards. Liam knows what will happen to me if I don't come home.                          

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