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I'm missing....something.......



That's right a person I have not seen in a while.

One who I did not hold anger towards in the end...


My shoot open with the feeling of burning heat around me, close to almost choking me.
"!!" (Ha..ha..ha.) My breath was ragged.

I whip my head left, and right only to realise Neji was no where to be seen.

"...I-I'm alone..." I slowly sit up, knowing it was time to move out once again, yet the feeling of that memory still lingered on me.
"...There is someone...., someone who I need to meet."

but when was that going to happen? will I know who it is once I meet them.

"...S-sorry....Neji, Itachi I need to go." Packing up my things I left with my head still partly throbbing, god knows how I looked, I had no mirror or even a river to see my reflection in, only what I thought.

It's been a while or at least a few hours since I have been out in the open running down the grass. I had to keep running it wasn't safe to be alone here.
* Taptaptaptaptap* I ran as fast as I could the way Itachi taught me in the past. My hair flying back in the the wind.

Until suddenly I felt something make my blood freeze. I looked up, and to the side, not seeing anything yet something made the hair stand up at the back of my neck.
Something was following me again, and fast!

I take cover into the forest running up, and jumping branch to branch trying to avoid the thing coming up behind me. Another problem was that I wasn't yet as good for jumping branches, I couldn't skip as many as most, making me fall back easy. I had to land more times, than if Itachi was doing it.

My heart began to beat fast, and faster.

When suddenly a loud voice called. "HEY!!"


Flames of a Crow Itachi X Reader X  X Sasuke X NejiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant