🌸Wake Me Up With Those Eyes.♦

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* thumpthump...thumpthump..... * My heart was beating faster, and faster*

"Hehe...nannnnda...ittai no ka?( Hehe.... * the ninja laughed like mad at me*...what..... dose it hurt?) This made spoke Japanese to me, I could understand him no problem. Yet his words stung just as hard as if it was in plain English.

"....tch.....* I clenched my fists, even if I was nailed to a tree I wasn't going to stop.
The pain was soo much.....that even I couldn't careless. Everything pulsed in pain. My anger boiled inside of me, but I was scared.

"Times UP! Haaa!" * Chingchingching!!* Suddenly he threw a large kunai towards me, ready to pierce me once again.

いいえ, いいえ( No, no)  * My eyes widen in horror* "!!!!" ( IiiEee! Ongenai NNOO!) I was screaming at myself in a mix of Japanese, and English. Was this really going to happen to me?

I felt myself spinning round, and round. * Sshshshhshshs* The kunai came closer, and closer to me.
Am a really abandoned...? Have they given up on me. Was my time to tell the leaf village I could no longer help.

*GH..! *drip......



My mind was a blur. Very badly blued, crushed, blank.

Until I could feel myself being shaken left, and right.
( ...n-nani......( w-what......)...........)



"Oi!..." The voice got louder. ( O...h......soka...( I see) so it is someone......)
Still my head pounded.

"Hey!!" The voice suddenly got really loud, as the shaking stopped. It was now English.

"........n..." My eyes slowly opened up. It was strange to see a blurry dark figure in front of me.

".........wh-...who.........." Was all I could say.
💨The one above me gasped

"Don't move, your Chakra is going wild."
The figure spoke, without replying to my question.
(...m-my Chakra.......) Breathing out slowly seeing I seemed to have left the battle field.
I could feel the one's eyes on my limp sleepy figure.
"P....please.....tell me....kimi....dare(....who are you...)"

"I'm a friend. Please, don't move. Not until your Chakra has become normal."
I obey, and stay still. ( At least he was a friend)

"S-..sorry....I can't see yet.." I apologize.

"Its fine." The male voice replied.

As times passed, he stayed by my side. Then my sight started coming back. My blurry vision leaves my eyes, and the figure comes to my sight. Leaving me in shock.

"N-Neji." I whisper. There was no mistaking it, it was him.

"Good to hear your sight is back." He came into view. His beautiful long locks on brown hair swayed as he moved closer. His light blue eyes scanning my condition.My voice was still weak.

"How...did you find me..?"

He looked down a little." I could see you with my Byakugan in the distance. Your Chakra was going out of control, e pulled closer to me, suddenly I saw the veins around his eyes show, as his eyes became sharper.

"So....it was a dream..." I whisper.

"Dream? is that what made you like this, come to think of it why are you alone?"

"💨....well at least your heart rate is back to normal now." My long lost friend has sighed in relief. Now he was found, and I was very happy.

"Ah..-hai." I smiled partly.

"Hn.......ima(now) care to explain why you are out here alone?"

The back of my mind flinched at Neji's words.

"Hitori.......d-de..?" ( A-....alone?)
The brunette nods, not moving from his place. He wanted answers.
Keeping my dizzy head down I tried to think of a reason. "Ah funny question, see....I was heading to Konoha, and I got sleepy."

"Hitori de..?!"( Alone..!?) Why would you go alone, you are very far from Konoha." The look on Neji's face gave me chills. He wasn't one to get upset at me, he only cared.

"Tell me...!" Neji pressed on.

"Okay okay!! Fine!. Itachi isn't with me, and anyone else me or you know!" I spat back.
Those light ice eyes widen at my words, then soften seeing me on the verge of tears.
" Gomen, I will stay with you till we go home. We are all the way in the Land of Earth."

Neji was right..., I was very far from Konoha, It would be very dangerous for me to travel alone. Especially since I was followed by something.

"For now...sleep. We leave tomorrow."

I nod my head, pulling the fabric Neji had tucked me into during my half nightmare.
( Doushite........naze..........dose that dream feel more real, than what it should be?)

While I slept, Neji had his Byakugan activated, monitoring my chakra, and heart rate.

♦♠"Matte ro, watashi no tomodachi. ( Wait for me, my friends.)

Flames of a Crow Itachi X Reader X  X Sasuke X NejiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt