🔥Not far from Earth🔥

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I just left my house, yes I lived on earth. I had my katana on my back wrapped in cloth. It was my times once again, to head to the Shinobi world.

There was only one trick to getting there. One had to travel fast, especially if you lived far from the Ocean. Oh yes then there was, the slight danger along the way. Some how..., the bad Shinobi some how have found our land. So here and there they roam around. From Rouge ninja's to the random Akatsuki. Making that actually 3 things. There was one more thing, one could only get to the Shinobi world on water or boat. So ether you where a ninja who could walk on water, fly on something, or use a boat. It takes about 3 hours on foot just to enter the north side, around the jagged plains or over to the east.

I was able to use fire jutsu, to the point of not even needing to weave hand signs. There where a few exceptions of the very hard ones. I could only use a little lightning style, such as the Chidori. I was able to also talk to spirits, and see them like a solid human that stood in front of me.

"Oh right! time to go." I speed walked out of my house and took to the streets. I didn't know where Itachi was, or even Sasuke at that matter. I was loyal to the Uchiha clan, and helped the Konoha village at times. I didn't really belong to a village, but wasn't a rouge. Still I wore the Konoha headband with pride.

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