It was pouring rain.

Nash's POV

When I get out the bathroom I begin to go find Babe. I glance at the huge glass doors to see pouring rain. I smile at the idea I get.

When I return, this dude is flirting with Babe. Like why the hell is that happening? He has no business talking to her with the fucking holes in his face that he has.

I'll admit. I have kinda liked Babe from the moment I met her. After she told me not to touch her the very first time in the ally, I found it so attractive that she demanded something to me. I wish more girls were like that. It's nothing serious though. I'm just using this night to fulfill what ever it is that I desire. It's not like it's love. Ha! If that existed. But still, this is my night with her, this, asshole needs to back off!


“What do you want me to see?" She ask staring at the pounding rain.

“Come here." I lead her to the middle of the parking lot.

I feel kind of bad when she wraps her arms around herself. She must be cold.

“I don't understand." She raises her voice over the rain.

I look around to make sure none of my brothers or sisters are around.

“Have you had your kiss in the rain yet?" I smile.

  “What?" She laughs to avoid awkwardness.

I grab her smaller arms and warp them around my waist. And smile.

Babe's POV

My heart races as he cups my chin and bends down to me. My mouth knows exactly what to do as he slides his tongue into my mouth. It was  odd that I knew what to do, I never french kissed someone.

I was more aware of the butterflies in my stomach than my loud heartbeat. More than the butterflies was the spark.  Damn he's a good kisser!

He pulls away. I want to pull him in for more, I can't get enough, but I don't. He says in my ear loud enough for me to hear in the loud rain.

“Now you have." He kisses my cheek before leading me in again.

He pulls out his phone. I'm surprised it still works. we are soaking wet. Cameron sent him a text saying to meet them at the table it was time to go.

I nod.

We were first at the table. He let go of my hand, which made me die a little inside but I don't say anything.

“Dude, did you two go outside too?" Cameron ask walking towards us, with the boys behind. They were just as wet as us.

“Naw, we just are wet for no reason." Nash says sarcastically.

“Well why did you go out?"

“I went to go smoke. I don't know about her." He lies.

What the hell?

Cam turns to me for an answer.


“Hey guys." Brenna smiles as she Brent and wicked Taisa approach us.

They were all bone dry. They won't be for long.

I can't believe that Nash lied! Cameron must be an idiot if he believes Nash. It's pouring rain, how is he going to fucking smoke?!


Cameron snores quietly, as usual, Nash and I have our nightly talk.

“Did you have a good day?" He ask grasping my hand.

  I bring it out of his hand slowly.

“Yeah." I say quietly.

“Don't get all shy on me now." He chuckles pulling me closer.

“How was that smoke if yours, must of been pretty soggy!" I snap.

“What?" He ask. He releases his grip.

“Oh I went to smoke, I don't know about her." I mock.

“You thought I was going to tell them?!"

“Well it would have been nice to know you aren't embarrassed of me!"

“What the hell?! We had one night of fun, you're not my fucking girlfriend."

I never really thought of that but it hurt to hear.

“I'm going to bed." I sigh.

He wraps his arm around me once more.

“Don't touch me!" I snap.

“I sleep better when I hug you."

“Get off of me Nash!" I demand.

He huffs, “Whatever, be a bitch!"

I don't say anything. I just lay there, for about an hour. I feel him wraps his arm around me and holds me tight. His warmth comforts me, and I fall fast asleep.

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