It's good to smile...

22 2 2

"But I don't want too"
"Come on lovi it'll be fun!"
What was happening you might ask... Well Rome deeply wants to take his two grandsons to a carnival that has been in town for a little while and is about to shut down.
One of the two boys was very excited to go, but the other was not...

Lovi's POV

I really don't want to go...

"Aren't you excited lovi?"

I heard nonno ask...

I fake smiled "sí nonno I'm excited"

I'm really not

Rome's POV

I wonder what's wrong with Lovino...
I mean Feli is practically bouncing with joy but Lovi seems a little upset.

"Lovino is anything wrong?"
"No I'm fine"

"Ve~ Let's go on that ride!!" Feli yelled while pointing at the Ferris wheel.

Lovi and I ran to keep up with Feli.

Nobody's POV

The family FINALLY got on the ride and it took off.

Feli was giggling and jumping in the seat while Lovi sat by the end staring off into space...

And not smiling...

Rome scooted over by Lovi

"Yes nonno?"
"Do you see Feli?"
"I'm sure I do because I'm not blind..."
"Well, why don't you be like him hm?
"I don't understand..."
"I mean all happy and laughing and excited... Why don't you smile?"
Rome sighed "Okay then..."

Rome then scooted back over to Feli and started laughing with him...

Lovi looked over and started to tear up

Why can't he be happy like that with me...?

He just wanted this whole night to be over so he can go home and crawl up in bed. 

And maybe cry a little...

Okay... cry a lot...

Eventually the ride was over and the three got off.

Rome cracked his back stretching "ah that ride was long... it makes me tired"

After about five more rides they went home...

Lovi practically ran... wait no... sprinted to the bathroom...

"I gotta pee! I gotta pee! I gotta pee!"
"Nonno why does fratello always do that?"
"Because he has to pee..."

Time skip brought to you by the emotionally unstable mr. Puffin

Feli walked over to Lovi's room...

"Fratello? Can I come in?"


With that Feli walked in and sat on lovi's bed where he was reading a book.

"Nonno wants to know why you don't smile..."

"And we're starting with this shit again"

"Ve~ fratello it's not nice to curse"

"I don't smile because I don't feel like it"

Because nonno favors you over me.
Because I'm forever forgotten by my family.

Just thinking these two things Lovino started to tear up a bit.

"Fratello why are you crying?"
"No reason"

Lovi stopped crying and smiled a little bit...

"Ve~ fratello is smiling!"

With just that Rome basically broke down the fucking door yelling....

"I HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE" with that Rome took out a camera out of, well who knows where (I don't know if they had cameras then...)

Rome took off running from the room

"I GOT IT!!! I GOT IT!!"


Rome has come and gone...

Lovi went looking around his old house that he had used to live in when his grandfather was still here...

Lovino picked up a picture...

It was the picture of when he was a little kid and was smiling...

He sighed and prayed

"Nonno, where ever you are... I hope you're safe and happy... and... I love you... amen..."

Now, where ever the hell Rome was, he was happy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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