Learning to Trust

Start from the beginning

"Triple shot of Jack."

The bartender looked at me and started fixing my drink. I knew he recognized me immediatly.

Taking the shot I put it down in two sips. I held up three fingers on my hand and got three more shots placed in front of me.

After taking five more shots I ordered a mixed drink.

I was sipping on it when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"What are you doing here?"

I turned around to come face to face with none other then Tyler.

I almost dropped my drink from the shock. Or from the buzz I had one.

"I, um, I ..." I was lost for words.

"You're not that innocent are you?"

I decided to use this to my advantage. I sit my drink down on the counter and pulled him to me. "No one is as innocent as they seem."

His eyes grew wide when I pushed him away. "Hmm. I knew there was something I liked about you."

I laughed and grabbed his hand. "Come dance with me."

When walked onto the dance floor and started grinding to the beat of the music. I couldn't deny that he was a great dancer. He had the perfect rythem.




He didn't answer instead he started dragging me to the car. I giggled. All the drinks that I had tonight were definitely getting to me. I didn't know how I was going to make it to my house driving.

After what felt like hours my car came into view. Instead of getting into the driver side I felt him gently placing me into the passenger seat.

"Where do you live Maddyy?"

I giggled again, "I don't remember."

"My house it is then."

I laughed again and started staring at his profile. He was gorgeous. Everything on his face was flawless.

"What are you staring at?" He finally said.

"Your gorgeous face," I confessed.

He just laughed, "There is more to you then meets the eye Maddyy."

"Tyler you just don't know." I grinned.

He didn't answer as I felt myself drifting to sleep slowly and peacefully.


I felt myself flying in the air and woke up with a start. I tried to jump and found myself being held in a pair of strong arms.

"What the fuck?" I slurred.

"Shhh. Its ok."

"Tyler?"  I giggled.


"Take me to your bed big boy!"

He just started laughing and continued to trying to fight me off as I tried to kiss his neck.

"Maddyy, you need to stop it. You're drunk."

He threw me on the bed and walked over to his dresser as I watched him. I couldn't help but lick my lips at how good he looked.

He slowly pulled his draw open and searched through until he found what he was looking for. He threw something at me and the room went black.

"I'm blind. Oh My God! What have you done to me?"

He started laughing and pulled something off my head, "A shirt was on your head slow one."

I felt my face turn bright red under his gaze. "I knew that."

"Sure you did. Now put it on and get under the covers. Time for bed drunk ass."

I stood up and began to strip so I could put the shirt on.

"Maddyy are you sure it's a good idea to change in front of me like that?"

I smiled to myself, "I trust you." I hated to admit it but at this moment it was true. I was putting my trust into my enemy and my target.

There was no way this was going to end well.


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