Then when I woke up, I was still laying in our arms, but I saw that we were suddenly in your bed instead of the hospital bed and I was really confused. Then Natas called me and said how she was really confused. Apparently Anne phoned her and called her babe, so Tas told her not to call her that since it hurt, which ended up in Anne not getting it and explaining that they never even broke up, that they were just on a break. I don't know what happened after that, but maybe Anne called to make it up and to prove how much she likes Natas..? But whatever, I then came up here, asked you about it and here we are."

Luke seemed to be thinking so hard and I was looking at him with an expecting look on my face. Luke was turned towards the end of the bed and it was almost as if he didn't dare look into my eyes. He was thinking so hard he was nearly sweating and I could only imagine what his reaction would be like.

At last, he finally said something, but it was more of a question. "You and Natasha both remember the past days like that, exactly the same...?" I nodded my head just to confirm it, because I had no clue what else I was supposed to do. "How? None of us have any clue about that happening and how even did you both remember us being in a car accident? I mean, wouldn't we still be in the hospital then? I sure would..."

He kept talking like this and acting as if it all didn't make sense to him. Which I completely get, I mean it is really weird. Especially because me and Tas both remember it like that.

"Are you sure it's real? Maybe it was a dream?" He proposed. I started thinking about it...

It could be, but it all felt so real...

Kissing Anne, like I can still feel her lips on mine and as if I can remember the way we stared into each other's eyes so vividly, the moment Luke and I were on the phone with Natas, me asking her if she wanted to go with us to maybe cheer her up, the panic when we got in that accident, blacking out and waking up not knowing it the others were alright, walking into Luke's room and seeing him lying there, looking so pale and fragile, him being drugged, acting all goofy and most importantly, us telling we loved one another and then falling asleep, all cuddled up...

That couldn't have been a dream, could it?

"But, if it was a dream, why would Natasha dream exactly the same? And, I never really dream. If I do, it's almost always a nightmare.." I trailed off, frowning.

Luke tilted my face up by grabbing my chin gently and made me look him in the eye. "Trust me, I know. You call me whenever you have had a nightmare. And about the dream thing, it is possible. You know whenever they say that like twins can have the same thoughts and dreams? That can happen to basically anyone who is close."

I frowned, not understanding, so he continued, "Have you ever been so close to someone that you actually think the same, say the same things at the same time, even act and move the same way sometimes..?" I nodded my head, because I had that a lot of times with all of my closest friends if I was being honest. "If you're not even thinking about all of that, why is it weird that you have dreamt the same thing?"

"Okay that's true, you have a good point. It's really the only logical explanation right?" I chuckled and he laughed a bit as well. I pecked him on the lips, got our cold coffee and head out of the room. As I close the door, I see Luke was turning around in bed again, ready to sleep even longer. That boy, I swear...

Little did he know though, that I actually recorded our whole conversation. Not because I didn't trust him or because I wanted proof of something he said. It was simply because I have no secrets for Natasha, neither does he and I was far too lazy to type everything out and explain it all to Natasha. So, to keep it simple, I just recorded the conversation and send the audio to her.

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