Music from the soul.

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): I'd fall for that...

Birth-giver: Honey, your my daughter. I love you! We all love you why would you ever run away from home?

"Whatever, this is bullshit, I'm done. Done with her fake-ass." Turning the screaming music up to as loud as it possible could, you slumped down a bit, now deciding to go through the messages from your friends and see what everyone was talking about.

*~Le Time Skip~*

Eventually, you had gotten into a Skype call with a group of friends you had been close with back home. Granted, they couldn't see anything because of how dark it was, but they could still hear you and that was good enough for them for now.

The first one to speak up after all the questions and answers which took maybe thirty minutes in total, was a red-headed chick who's natural hair color was a dirty blonde named Helena, and yes, the song reference from what was it? Green Day...? was made all the time. "Soo~ To give you an update about me, there's this guy I like-"

"Is it the same one from last time?" You cut in.

"-No, it's not. That guy turned out to be a huge dick..but this guy..his name is Garrot, and he's so adorable!"

"Mhm, that's what you said about Marcus." Commented Elizabeth, also known as Liz.

"Hey, shut up! Anyways. As I was saying- Garrot has been really nice to me, and he looks cute, and I just...." A noise came from Helena that was inhumane, but sounded more closely related to a hyena whining. "He's so cute...oh! (Y/N)! Is there any hot guys you've met there~? Anyone you like yet~?" Helena asked in a taunting sort of tone.

Aquatic_Bunny: Like Emmy..

"You still haven't gotten your microphone fixed yet, Shel?" Shel just being short for Shelby.

Aqautic_Bunny: nope

"Well, that sucks-" and there, you stopped, eyes glancing up at a sudden sound.

"(Y/N) what was that?" Helena questioned, worried.

"Nothing... nothing to worry about, so don't worry."

"If you say so. I'm gonna go back to playing this game, it's great."

Aquatic_Bunny: What game? o3o

"What game? Oh, uh, Fallen Soldiers, the third game of the series Beware."

Aqautic_Bunny: you still play that?

"Hell yeah I do."

You decided to cut in for a moment, "Guys, I'm gonna go. Talk to you later." Without another word, you ended the call only for your music to fire back up. It was louder was expected, and this- god, this was unexpected. Yanking your earbuds out, you discovered just how badly your ear were ringing from how loud the music was.

"Alucard has been gone for awhile now.." It only now hit you that you hadn't answered the question about liking someone here....oh well, that can be kept on the down low for now. Not a big deal for them to know of not.. besides, what is Alucard didn't officially like you in THAT sort of way? It must just be that paranoia building up over time, hm.

Your music was still playing at full blast, now playing a mashup of Bullet and Castle of Glass, a good one.

With a sigh, you pushed the earbuds back into your ears before starting to make your way out of the room and upstairs to go outside. Screw discovering what that noise was. It probably wasn't anything important anyways..

The moment you were outside, you realized then and there just how late at night it was. The moon was bright, but not quite full yet. Maybe next month it would be full. There was a cool breeze to the night with the faint scent of rain in the it was going to rain sometime tonight, but guessing on how weak the scent is and the fact it was probably already going, it might not go clear into the next day. Then again, this was England, and the biggest thing you ever heard of England was the massive amounts of rain and heavy traffic. The song currently playing was Temporary Home because of you constantly changing the songs until you found one you liked to listen to. But sadly, your phone was dying... it would need to be charged sometime tomorrow, hopefully this place has some sort of outlet otherwise you're going somewhere else to charge it.

"Tonight is a pretty night...feels good out here..." You mumbled to yourself, staring up at the sky to try and see what stars could be seen.

This is my temporary home

It's not where I belong

Windows in rooms that I'm passing through

This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going

I'm not afraid because I know this is my

Temporary home

What you hadn't realized, was that the entire you had been quietly singing along, with someone watching, listening, standing behind you. Your attention had been caught, and this realization when you removed the earbud from one ear to hear the new female with really...big breasts..

"You have a good voice."

For a moment, you stood there in shock, your face slowly heating up to turn a soft shade of red. "No- No I don't. I sound like a dying whale."

"A dying whale? If that's what a dying whale sounds like, then it's pretty." The blonde gave a smile, turning her head to the side. For what seemed like the longest of time, you didn't say a word. Neither of you did. But, then she decided to speak up.

"My name is Seras, Seras Victoria.. but the Master calls me Police Girl.. hehe.."

"Uh.. okay, nice to meet you? I'm-"

"She's mine." Came a lower, deeper, more intimidating sort of voice.

To your surprise, the vampire who had denied you of sexual pleasure maybe an hour ago was waltzing his way up to the two of you. "I guess you can say that, sure."

"What are you doing outside?"

"Looking at the moon, and the stars, getting some fresh air, what about you, Alucard?"

"You weren't in the room when I went to look for you, so I was looking for you."

"Well, you kinda left me there for an hour.."

"I'm sorry, I had to compose myself before returning to see your beautiful face once more." Alucard was dressed back in his usual clothing, minus the red, trench coat. "Now, let us return inside. It isn't safe to be outside alone."


Seras didn't know what to say. Alucard had actually apologized. That was the first time she had ever heard Alucard apologize.. was he sick?

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