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The truck stopped. It was a long drive, wherever you went, and rocky too.
The doors opened to a beautiful view of the humid jungle.

"Come on out."

Nadine orders. You walk slowly out of the hot truck, but she stops you, throwing you back in. Two mercenaries hop out of the truck, RPGs strapped to their backs. Nadine whispers something to them, then points somewhere at the front of the truck. Then, just like that, they're gone, and Nadine is back in the truck with you, and you're moving.

"Are we almost there?"

You whine, hoping to get on Nadines nerves.

"Just a little bit farther."

She says, noticeably annoyed.
After awhile, the truck stops and Nadine hops out and slams the door behind her, leaving you with the last two heavily armed mercenaries.
There was a level of nervousness in the air as the two mercenaries kept their hands on their guns.
If only there was a way that you could get out of there.
You feel around in your back pockets for anything that you can possibly use to get out of the handcuffs you were cruelly bound in.
Your journal? Nope.
A candy wrapper? Nada.
A bobby pin? Perfect.
You grab the bobby pin and slowly pull it out of your back pocket, and you gently put it into the lock to your cuffs when the mercenaries weren't paying very much attention. You twist at the lock, hopefully trying to get out of your binds. Just as the lock was about to click open, the truck stopped, and the door opened. The mercenaries hopped out, one grabbing your arm on the way. You tuck the bobby pin into your back pocket. Hopefully the mercenary didn't notice. The place the truck stopped at seemed to be a village-type place, but the houses were nicer looking, but still decaying.

A buzz comes from the walkie-talkie clipped to the belt of the mercenary ahead of you. He picks it up and talks though it.

"Yep. We're covered. Light this bitch up."

He said, his accent overpowering. A minute later, an explosion commences the falling of a very regal and tall building with a dome for a roof. The mercenaries with the RPGs must've been it. You sneer as the building falls, but your expression quickly changes when two familiar figures fall from the building.

"Oh my god."

It's Sam and Nate. They rope to another falling building, Sam ahead of Nate. Seemingly out of nowhere, umpteen mercenaries fully stocked with weapons come to shoot at them.
You struggle against the grip of the mercenary, watching the brothers being shot at like targets. The emotions running through your head - mostly angry and confused - are too much. You don't know how to feel about the situation. You start breathing heavy, and your vision hollows.

The mercenary holding you pulls you to a different area away from the shooting, sensing you were going to break loose or jump.

"What's wrong?"

He says, threateningly.
You breathe quickly and shallow, your vision twisting and bending.
He sighs and snaps his finger in front of your face.

"Hello? You still with me?"

He asks.
You try to regain proper consciousness and stabilize your vision.
You work up a nod when you feel good enough.

"Okay, good. Have a drink."

He says, sorting out a canteen and opening it, and holding it in front of you.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

You ask.

"My job is to keep you alive for Rafe, so he can possibly blackmail the Drakes."

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