Chapter Nine: Secrets

Start from the beginning

Rhodes looked back at me, a wry smile on her face. “We’re on the same team, Amber. Nobody will tell us anything, and we both deserve to know.”

I remembered Evans, then, his still form in that space, the scarlet flare of blood. I wondered what he’d been to her, whether he was a partner, or a friend, or both.

The kitchen was neat, with white tiles and a small card table. The refrigerator, the oven, and the microwaves seemed to be the only appliances.

Rhodes opened the fridge and pulled out a Styrofoam container. “I’ve got some Chinese food left over from last night. You want?”

I nodded. Rhodes stuffed the container in the microwave and started to rummage around for silverware and plates. “I don’t know how long you’re going to be a houseguest, Amber, but as long as we’re roomies I need to set a few things straight.”

She pulled the food out of the microwave and began to dish it out. “You can call me Emilee, if you want. Also, I have a cat. His name is Huey. What else is there? Don’t use all the hot water, turn off lights, and no terrible reality shows while I’m in the room.” She paused. “That about covers it.”

“What about my parents?” I asked, accepting the plate she offered.

“Amber, I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened to them-”

I interrupted her. “No, I mean my REAL parents. When will I be able to talk with them? Or see them?”

Rhodes frowned. “I honestly don’t know. It depends what Fury says. For now, you can write them a letter saying you’re fine and I’ll mail it from a discreet place, if I’m allowed.”

“Can’t we just rebel a little? This is my family!” I exclaimed.

Rhodes shook her head. “This is security, for your safety. I’m not going to endanger you or your family.”

I moodily picked at the rice with a fork. I understood. I just didn’t like it.

“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked. “I’ve got Pepsi and Pepsi.”

“Sure,” I said. She handed me a can. “I’m going to call you Rhodes, if that’s okay,” I said. “I’m just too used to thinking it.”

She shrugged. “Not the worst nickname I’ve ever had.”

We ate quietly for a while. “Stop me if this is too personal,” I said.

“Oh, I’ll feel free,” she said, laughing grimly.

“Did you know Evans well?” I asked.

“He’d been my partner for two years, ever since I was a probie,” said Rhodes. “He had a wife, two kids…” she choked up, stifled her tears with a hand. “Oh, Gosh, Johanna…she was always afraid this would happen. Then there’s Timmy and Bo, I babysat them once, Evans sweet talked me into it. They idolized him, and for good reason. He was brave, he was a hero. You’ve heard about the superheroes, right?” I nodded, letting her go on. “He was twice them. He was afraid of nothing, he…”

She stopped and broke down into tears. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve just had no time to process this. You shouldn’t have to see this, you don’t even know me…”

“I’m fine, Rhodes,” I said. “And you’re fine. Cry if you want. It’s okay.”

"You want to know what makes me angry?" asked Rhodes. I didn't answer, but she went on. "They brought Coulson back, but they're never going to consider doing the same with Evans. He wasn't important enough, at least not in Fury's mind. It doesn't matter that Derrick was important, to me."

I rolled this over in my mind as I chewed and I decided something. I was definitely not liking my uncle.

We finished eating and Rhodes found me a pair of her too-small pajamas for me to wear. There was one spare bedroom with no bed, so we blew up an air mattress and Rhodes got me some sheets.

She found me a toothbrush, too, and got out clean towels for my shower. Rhodes was being much kinder then she had to, considering a sixteen-year-old house guest had been thrust upon her without notice, after she just lost somebody she loved.

I felt guilty standing in the shower, just wanting to be home, just wanting my own pajamas and my own bed. I wanted everything to be normal. I wanted to go back to crushing on Ryder in secret, cooking up secret scenarios while I lay in bed, my parents just down the hall.

Huey nudged his way into the room I was using and came to investigate. I was lying in bed already, the desk lamp that sat on the floor still on. He hopped up and into my lap and began to purr.

It felt good to have another warm, living thing so close.

Slowly, slowly I fell asleep. All I dreamt were nightmares.


Nick Fury woke up at his office desk, his head aching. A shrill ring was blasting through the room. He let the phone go one more round, checking his watch. 2:30. He must’ve fallen asleep here, trying desperately to find a way to get Ryder Hasbrook back.

Fury’s desk was strewn with papers. There were old files and reports, and the newer files and reports about the elusive hacker. His office phone blared again. He glanced at the caller ID and decided not to pick up.

The call went to voice mail and a very familiar, very angry voice emerged from the speaker. “Fury, I hope you have got a damn good explanation for this. Banner called me three hours ago and told me what happened. You did all this? To a kid? You tried to replicate the serum used on me after what happened to Bruce?”

Nick Fury had never heard Steve Rogers sound so pissed.

“It’s your own fault a sixteen-year-old boy is missing and possibly dead. You bring me in on this, and you tell me what has happened. I promise you Fury, if you don’t I am going to Stark, and you know what Tony will do.”

There was a click as Rogers hung up.

Fury put his head into his hands, displaying an emotion he normally didn’t showcase. Guilt.

What had he done to Ryder? He replayed the first days of the test in his mind. Kids- teenagers - had been selected for one reason: they were still growing, changing. The serum that his scientists had been formulating relied on that. The study started at the age of thirteen, and it was top-secret. As kids grew and changed, the formula grew and changed with them, becoming stronger and better.

Ryder had been one of the best test subjects. It was discovered that there was an anomaly in his DNA that made him more susceptible to the serum.

He couldn’t even bring himself to think about what the serum had accomplished, and what it had destroyed.

Slowly, reluctantly, he picked up his phone and called the man who never slept. “Hey, Cap,” said Fury, “Come in tomorrow, the guard will tell you where to go.”

Captain America didn’t even offer a terse reply. He simply hung up.

Fury returned to his papers, his eyes scanning aimlessly, catching on random words and phrases.

Subject suffers blackouts and memory lapses.


Subject reports growing lack of control.

…vivid and frequent hallucinations……lack of empathy…

…enjoys violence……telepathic infiltration……murder…



Oh! I am getting SO excited.

This story is turning out AMAZING and the plot is coming out perfectly in my head.

There will be a lot more action, more intrigue, and hopefully some mystery.

The plan for this story is INCREDIBLE, at least, I think so. I hope I can pull this off.


If you do, I may be able to talk the Avengers into the whole 'becoming-a-member-of-the-team' thing.  

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