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— this is not first come first serve. we will give our plots to those whom ask politely, have at least decent grammar, and who we feel will bring the story together the best.

— if you do want the plot, comment on that chapter saying something like, "can i have this plot please?" Not, "i want this plot." It is not yours until we tell you it is.

— please, only comment on one plot you want. like many writers, you probably have a lot of ideas for stories, but having more than one plot can be stressful and hard to update frequently. with having only one of our plots, you can publish the prologue/first chapter within the two-week time frame we will give you.

— as said above, you only get two weeks to publish the story — this does not include chapters such as the summary, epigraph, or playlist; you must publish at least one chapter of the story before the time is up.

if you cannot write the first chapter within this time, please let us know why and we will give you more time if the reason is appropriate. we are understanding people.

— if we've given you a plot, you can give it back if you lose inspiration. just let us know and we will gladly take it back and put it up for sale once again. and please let us know if you don't have motivation, we would rather you tell us than not write the plot.

— and please, do not forget to credit us for the plot. we work hard at planning and coming up with ideas for the stories and it is really rude if you just take it without recognizing where you got it from. plagiarism is a crime, don't forget it.


PLOT SHOP ► THE 100Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ