Shelby Girls

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"Whisky." You told the new barmaid who glared at you.

"Three shillings." She snapped and you rolled your eyes.

"Tell him he can pay for it." You jerked your head towards Tommy knowing it always wound Tommy up.

"Fine." She handed you the drink and you downed it, slamming the glass on the bar.

It was no secret that you and Grace didn't get along, before she turned up everyone had bets on you ending up with Tommy. It wasn't as if you showed and rea interest in him, in fact your stubborn refusal to do as any authority asked and that you could fight Arthur was what caught Tommy's attention in the first place.

"You know it aint right for you to take advantage of Tommy." Grace spat and you rolled your eyes.

"Few coins outa his pockets' good for him, besides, I don't tray and hear all his secrets." You hummed and she scowled at you.

"Proper woman would have more dignity." Neither of you noticed the amused Tommy watching the two of you.

"You want to watch yourself or you'll end up with a black eye." You snapped and someone came over to pull you away.

After a few more comments from Grace throughout the evening you decided to leave, ignoring Tommy when you bumped into him on the way out.

"(Y/N) Come here." Tommy called and Grace glanced over at the two of you as he griped you by the waist and kissed you. "Next time I pay for your drinks you better be sitting with me." He told you firmly and you smiled to yourself as you walked out.

Thomas Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now