Part 13

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„Liam?", Miley calls out while she sits on her bed, still embraced by the blankets. Too lazy to get up and get dressed after another round of love. She smiles as Liam walks into the room, covered in only but a blanket around his hips, his hand ruffling through his wet hair.

"Yeah?" Miley can't really do anything but stare at his back and the playing muscles as he puts some socks on and the lets his towel fall to step into a new pair of briefs. Turning around with a smirk he faces a blushing Miley who holds the blanket up before her chest. Sitting down, he pecks her cheek and looks at her expectantly.

"Uh oh.."

"What did you want?", he asks softly.

She mentally scolds herself from not being able to focus. "I wanted to hear your opinion."

"My opinion on whether or not we should stay in bed and do the naughty or not? I'm for staying in", he jokes and makes Miley laugh out loud. Her raspy laugh can't stop as she finds herself giggling all over.

"Oh boy, I think I just changed my mind. The giggle monster is back", he chuckles.

She playfully hits his chest; "Stop it babe" The babe just slipped out, but means a lot to him. She was always and has been easy with naming someone babe, but it has a meaning when she can say it towards him.

She calms down and clears her throat after leaning in for a soft kiss. "I really want to ride. And no, not you, but one of the horses", she elaborates.

Her pouty eyes are what can break a man's heart. "Don't you think that's too risky?"

She nods; "You're right. My bad.."

Without saying anything else, she brushes off the blanket and slips into some underwear, followed by her usual attire of pants and hoodie. She then disappears into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair, giving Liam some time to think.

He prepares breakfast downstairs, as Miley joins him again, clearly not in her happy mood anymore.

"Toast?", he suggests and offers a freshly toasted toast with marmalade. She shakes her head no and goes for her daily cup of coffee. She only drinks one in the morning though.

"Will you eat the toast if I tell you afterwards what I have in mind which could brighten up your day?"

"I guess so", she chuckles and grabs the toast. She almost drowns the toast. With a full mouth she says, or mostly spits; "Yeah, go on"

Liam shakes his head. She's such a child sometimes. "There's no harm for you to clean the horse, but in riding it. I don't want to take the risk that it could drop you or something when you ride through the woods. What I can offer though is that the dogs and I accompany you. I will hold the strings all the time and you can just enjoy some time out. What do you say?"

She swallows her last bit of toast mush and rushes over to kiss him quickly. "I'm getting ready", she calls out and disappears happier than before. Leaving Liam who licks his lips and finds spots of the marmalade. He cringes. He's not a big fan of it. He grabs a toast himself and follows into the stable.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down missy!", he calls out and holds the toast in his mouth before he takes over the saddle that she was about to lift up and carry around.

Taking the toast back into his hand to be able to chew, he gets side embraced by a smiling Miley; "Thank you so much babe. It means a lot to me" And he believes her. He just has to as he sees the glistening in her eyes, the full blue of her orbs.

He inspects the available horses and picks one of the older ones for Miley. He knots the white horse next to its stable so that Miley can use the brushes to clean its fur. Leaning next to a post, he eats the rest of his toast and watches what Miley is doing.

"You know what?"

"What?", shoots back from behind the horse. He can only see her ponytail bobbing around.

"If I take one of the leading but slow horses, I could lead you with a rope. Wouldn't that be better?"

In a blink, her arms are around his neck, eyes looking straight into his. "You sure you're up for a ride, cowboy?", she winks. She knows that he's not too fond of horses or riding in general.

"The things I do for you", he teases.

"Hurry up though, I'm almost done!", she chants as she's back at her horse.

Laughing, he gets another horse; "Watch me Cyrus!"

He's not nearly as in-depth as he cleans the horse, but finished earlier since he was able to saddle his horse first and Miley waited for him.

"Ok, let me help you to get up, alright?", he doesn't really ask as he helps her to get up on the horse. Grabbing a rope, he combines her and his horse in two ways before getting up as well.

"Ready?", he asks looking back. He gives his horse a slight signal as he's getting a thumbs up from Miley. "Inform me anytime if you need something!"

 "Inform me anytime if you need something!"

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And off they go. Well, not that fast. The trot through the woods, seeing the small things that one would normally not take in due to a fast pace. The birds, the sounds, the trees, the smell, the changing ground beneath them.

They come along a river, all dogs jump in and splash around while the horses step in slightly to drink some water. A peaceful picture is to be seen by anyone who would come along them. Happy dogs, happy owners who hold hands. Everything seems to be in peace.

"Babe?", she sighs.

His concerned eyes find hers. "The water encourages me to pee. We should head back", she admits.

"Alright guys, you heard the lady speak", he calls out and whistles the dogs together, motioning the horses to get back out and move back to the farm.

"Go ahead, I take care of them", he says as he carries back the saddles. Miley immediately rushes into the house. Being pregnant sucks when it comes to terms like that. He feeds the horses and puts blankets on the two that they used, locks the stables and curses as he walks back to the house, feeling the soreness already.

The dogs wait for him to start a fire. Their fur is almost dry, but something is missing. Moving upstairs, he slips out of his clothes and throws them into a basket. Miley approaches him only in a towel like he did this morning. "I filled up the tub for you. You must be feeling sore" His cheekily smile confirms her assumption.

"Are you coming too?"

She hesitates, since she actually took a shower before. "I'll massage your back if you want?"

"Convinced", she giggles and heads back in with him. 

♥Second Chance ♥ (Miley Cyrus Fanfiction)♥Where stories live. Discover now