Chapter 16 A Real Date With The Blonde

Start from the beginning

"You call your Aunt an Octopus?" Asano asked with a confused look.

"Well that's kind of rude Asano-kun. But I'll let it slide for now. He calls me Octopi because I have a very peculiar skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you." LOL, Koro-sensei can move to mach 20. So basically what he just said is true.

"Okay... That actually doesn't answer my question but I hope Karma and I are clear that we are not doing anything wrong at all. Honest." Asano crossed his heart.

"Gakushú.... I told hi- I mean her, about it." Asano Gakushú gagged.

"You what?!"

"Now now, we have so much to discuss about. Like, did you thought about Karma when you orgasm?" Koro-sensei stared at Asano Gakushú for answers.

"What?! Why are you asking me that?! Are you okay with this Karma?!" Asano screamed while shaking me.

"Are you purposely killing me with your scream right now?" I sarcastically sigh.

"Don't dodge the question!"

"Hahahaha~ you both have a great relationship. But be serious both of you, even you Aunt Octopi." The principal glared at Koro-sensei.

"O- Okay." Koro-sensei squirmed.

"Aunt Octopi, My son and Karma has done something bad yesterday. Beside that they're teenagers. Karma have done an intercourse on my son's butt. How can we resolve this problem?" He asked. I can't believe he asked help from him.

"I've read BL manga lately and it's been a famous to all fujoshis and fudanshis. I think we should wait for the right time to go with this. Asano, can you wait for a little longer until you get older? That way, you and Karma can go on a date whenever you like."

"Huh? We're not going out." Asano glared.

"I will never ever go out with this guy." I glared back at him.

"If that's the case then go out." Koro-sensei suggested while Asano Gakuho nodded.

"What?!" I shouted. I can't believe this is happening. Why would I?!

"Father, I can't believe you're agreeing with this octopus-looking-woman. I don't want to stick with this guy." Asano protested.

"And neither do I." I huffed.

"Now, now boys. Don't think of this as a date but think of this as a resolution of your problem. Two heads are better than one." Gakuho grinned.

"Why just the both of us? You should come father."

"I have papers to finish and some students to check. I've been feeling like something is about to happen. So I won't be there with you."

"What about you Aunt Octopi? Can you at least join?" I asked.

"Karma, didn't you know that I will be spying on someone today. They both have problems too, except they are improving much more. The waterfall helps a lot."

"What kind of excuse is that?" Asano asked worriedly.

"I do have some things to discuss with Aunt Octopi." Asano Gakuho glared at Koro-sensei.

Koro-sensei gulped while fixing his messy wig up. He stood up from his chair and followed Asano's father to a room so dark that I don't even want to know that place.

"Oh, just so I forget. You guys should go on already right now okay." Gakuho chuckled and left with Koro-sensei. Man this day can't get any worst. I looked at Asano who is staring at me for a while. What is he looking at me for?

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked. He came back to his senses when he suddenly turn his back on me.

"It's nothing. Should we still continue this stupid date?" He asked.

"Well, they're watching." I said while looking at every camera on the corner of the wall. Asano saw it too but he seems to know that already.

"I should really change."

"Do you have spare clothes? Can I borrow some?" I asked.


10 minutes later...

Man, this guy still gave me clothes even though he doesn't want to. What an idiot.

"Are you done?" I asked.


I turn the knob to see him sitting on the bed with his cellphone. As I analyze him I saw him texting someone, I realize it was that good for nothing show off, Ren.

"Why are you evening texting that guy at a time like this?" I sigh.

"Ren is my best friend so I'm informing him that I have a fever today that I won't come to school." He said still texting.

"Well, I just want to say that you're taking too long for that stupid text Let's Go!"

"What's your problem! Geez okay. Let's go before my dad do something weird again." He said and left with a huff.

There is something wrong with him. I sigh and left. Asano and I made out of the gates and started looking at each other. His face is so red. I can really tease him all day.

"Mr. Perfect and his very own first date how convenient." I snickered.

"Oh shut up. This isn't a date, is a resolution. Pairing with you was really weird and a very forceful way. How can I stand this stupid set up if your the one pairing with me." He pouted.

"Well because Mr. Perfect, your face is so red, it's like your going to burst any minute now. Why not we enjoy this just like an average dude does." I chuckled.

"You don't sound like an average guy. You're a devil." He mumbled while turning his back on me again.

"Same goes to you, Asano." I slyly sigh. What am I going to do to you, Asano?

To be continued...

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