Chapter 28

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Noh Hyunsuk—Seonghwa’s most loyal man—had been waiting inside his car. He had been tracking Tiffany and Taeyeon ever since those two women ran away—taking Seohyun with them.

Hyunsuk tried to look for information from the hospital where Seohyun had been treated in Seoul. But they refused to give him any information of where they had moved Seohyun to.

Lee Seonghwa told Hyunsuk to spy on the Bulletproof Boys. Taehyung was one of them. They must’ve helped him move the girls somewhere else. It took months for Hyunsuk to follow each member of the Bulletproof Boys around. Until he finally realized that one of the boys—Jeon Jungkook—often visited Jeonju.

Hyunsuk decided to spy on the youngest member of the Bulletproof Boys. He was more than glad when he caught Jungkook talking to Taeyeon at one of the coffee shops in Jeonju. Apparently, that girl worked there as a waitress.
Hyunsuk waited and patiently spied on Taeyeon. He needed to know where that girl lived. He was sure that Taeyeon would lead him to Tiffany.

But Hyunsuk didn’t know at that time, Tiffany had been staying at the hospital to deliver her baby with Taehyung. When Hyunsuk found out about it, he was confused. It was impossible for him to kidnap Tiffany.


“It’s about the time, Taeyeon-ah!” Taehyung shouted in panic through the phone. “Tiffany is going to give birth. She’s in the delivery room right now!”

“Calm down, Taehyung-ssi. Stay beside Tiffany. I’m coming as soon as possible.” Taeyeon grabbed her coat while still holding the phone.

“Yes, come quick at once! For God’s sake, I can see Tiffany is in pain right now!”

Taeyeon herself was worried about Tiffany, but she couldn’t help but laughing hearing Taehyung’s panic tone. “Get yourself together, Kim Taehyung-ssi! You’re going to become a father! Tiffany needs you to be calm and collected.”

Taehyung nodded. “Ok-okay… I understand, but still….”

Taeyeon locked the door. “I’m coming in half an hour. I’ll call you when—“

Hyunsuk grabbed Taeyeon and covered her mouth so that she couldn’t scream. Taeyeon dropped her cellphone as she was struggling to be free.

Taehyung frowned. “Taeyeon-ssi? Taeyeon-ssi? What happened? Taeyeon-ssi?!”

Their phones were still connected. Taehyung could hear some noises. Suddenly, cold sweat ran down his neck. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

   Taeyeon knew Taehyung could still hear her. She kicked Hyunsuk’s foot as hard as she could. But Hyunsuk didn’t move an inch. He grabbed her and tossed her into his car. But just a second before the car door shut, Taeyeon still managed to shout.


Taehyung almost dropped his cellphone when he heard Taeyeon’s screaming. “Taeyeon-ah….”

It didn’t take long for Taehyung to realize what had happened to Taeyeon. He was really sure that one of Seonghwa’s henchmen must have found where she had been all this time. They must have kidnapped her. But where? Where were they going to take Taeyeon? Could it be Lee Seonghwa was here in Jeonju? Taehyung had to do something. He couldn’t let Taeyeon in danger.

Taehyung ran to his car. He called Jungkook on the phone. “Kook-ah, someone kidnapped Taeyeon.”

“What?” Jungkook was packing his bag in his apartment in Seoul when Taehyung called him. He was going to visit them.

“I’m sure one of Seonghwa’s men had found Taeyeon and captured her. I’m heading to her house right now.”

They ended their conversation.


Taehyung found Taeyeon’s phone lying on the cold ground in front of her house. He picked it up. Taehyung was thinking real hard. “Where did they take you, Taeyeon-ah?”

Taehyung suddenly realized something. If Seonghwa could find Taeyeon, he could’ve found out where Tiffany and Seohyun were too. He had never been this scared in his life before. Taehyung got in his car, but before he could turn the engine on, he saw ten or eleven men showed up and surrounded him. Taehyung recognized one of them as Seonghwa’s bodyguard. His hands held the steering wheel tightly. He was really furious.

Taehyung got out of his car. “Where did you take Taeyeon?”

One of them—the one with eyeglasses—lit his cigarette. “She’s on her way to Seoul.” He smoked. “You shouldn’t worry about her.” He smirked. “You should worry about your own life.”[]

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