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'....Happy Birthday dear Felicity, happy birthday to you!' we chanted as my beautiful baby girl blew the candles on her princess cake out. She scrunched up her delicate features, making a wish that seemed to be important to her, then grinned a toothy smile at me as I took a picture. 

The strong arm that was wound around my waist grudgingly let go, as he began cutting pieces of the cake for our guests. It seemed like everyone had turned up, with there being are twenty children Felicity's age, 10 guests Ellie's age, all of their parents as well as our close friends and family. Mum, dad, even Lee's parents and sister, Ellen and Dave, Tom, and even Jack, with his partner. Thank goodness the weather was holding out this afternoon, for watching the kids run around on our half acre filled me with more content with the sun beaming on them, than if it had rained on the day. 

I watched my daughter sprint across the grass, giggling as their father chased them, wet sponges in hand, and took in how lucky my life had turned out to be. I then spotted Dave and Ellen walking away from the scene, into the tall trees hugging our house and garden. My brow creased, and my mind went back to last night's dinner.

Ellen had come in looking more flustered and unhappy than ever, and we'd gone upstairs together to chat while the men played a game of table football (big kids..) and what she told me made me realize she was right to worry.

'What's up Ellen? It's really not like you to worry like this' I'd asked, pouring her some wine and plopping onto my bed. Listening out for signs of movement, and fairly satisfied when the only sounds we heard was the men yelling at each other, and the soft bedtime play list the girls had on every night to help them sleep. 

She Sighed, and looked a me 'I think Dave might be cheating on me' And with that, she began crying.

She'd said he'd stopped telling her about his day, going out for no obvious reason, lying to to her badly, and generally being very secretive. He'd even stopped letting her read his messages.

'I'm sure it isn't anything serious, you know how weird he gets every so often' I tried to comfort her. It was true, Dave always tended to feel pressured every couple of years, and back of slightly, but he was never this off. 

'But you don't understand Jess, he can't leave me now..' she sobbed 'I can't do this alone..'

I was stuck at this 'What do you mean, you're a strong woman, you don't need him..'

'But Jess I...Jess, I'm pregnant.'

It'd had come to a shock to me, I wan't going to lie, but I was adamant that they were to talk it over today. I hadn't slept a wink last night, because of both her problem and worrying about the party being good enough for Felicity...what if it went wrong? What if my own daughter began to hate me because it wasn't what she wanted?

Luckily, she seems to be enjoying herself, and she's still giving me cuddles every so often, so I think it has gone well.

'Penny for your thoughts?' A male voice behind me spoke, making me jump. I turned to find Jack staring at me strangely, searching my face for the reason of my mood. I instantly flushed, still not liking the way he picked up on my moods after all these years. He looked good, really good in fact, and even though I wouldn't even want to ever consider being with him still, Lee didn't completely trust him.

'Just thinking about a friend..'

He raised an eyebrow 'A friend hm? Does this friend also have a husband called Lee?' 

'No, it's really not anything wrong with us, we're good. Where's Sophie?' Sophie was his partner, and I'd suddenly noticed she was also missing instead of stuck to his side. Seemed she was another who wasn't exactly overjoyed at mine and Jack's friendship. 

'She's at the bathroom, why? Did you want to speak to her?' he joked, a wicked glint in his eye, and I didn't think I liked where this was going..

'No, unless she wanted to explain why she dislikes me?' I counteracted

'Well, would you be best friends with your boyfriends ex, if you knew he'd go back to her in a heartbeat, and will constantly try win her back infront of your very eyes?' He asked. I looked at him for signs of humour, but he looked as serious, as if he'd just told me the sky was blue. 

I tried not letting him see how much he'd shocked me, and grimaced 'thats true, but maybe it's not me she should have trust issues with, but her actual boyfriend? What you're doing isn't nice and you know it. Me and Lee are happy, and even if there was something between us, do you think I could leave the life We've built? It's time to move on, Jack'

He moved closer, looking down on me 'But Jess, I don't know whether I can'

'Well then you're going to have a hard life' And with that, I went in search of Lee. Not that I had to look far, He was heading my way. I could see in his eyes that he'd witnessed the scene that had just played out, and there was of hint of jealousy, hurt or suspicion. 

And this, was another form of proof that I'd chosen the right person. 


I lay in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, willing myself not to fall asleep before Lee came in from saying good bye to the last few guests who had stayed the evening. I finally heard him reach our steps, and sat up to watch him stroll in, a lazy grin falling on his face.

'Hey beautiful, you still awake?' I nodded in reply, and he chuckled, before stripping off his trousers and shirt, and got into bed.

'Considering you got no sleep last night, I would have expected you to be fast asleep'

I just cuddled into him, feeling his warmth as he wrapped his arms around me, nose in my hair. 

The emotions I was feeling were overwhelming, and as tired as I was, tonights actions were spinning around and round in my head. The party, Jack's confession, Lee's acceptance, and most importantly, the reason for Dave's secretive nature. He proposed to Ellen earlier, while they had been talking in the wood. He had to sneak around, so she wouldn't find out, and he was so overjoyed when  she told him her news, that his appeal to settling down shook her slightly. 

There was no doubt she'd be here in the morning, talking dresses and flowers, I thought with a sigh.


'Hmmph?' He replied sleepily, head resting much heavier on mine, meaning he was almost asleep

'You know how the girls are getting older...?'

He tilted my chin to face up at him, then planted a chaste kiss on my lips 'We can have as many more as you want love, just..tomorrow?' He obviously underestimated my powers in taking hjis word seriously, for I brightened.

'Really? You mean that?'

'Mhuummuhm..I've got what I want right here in my arms, so as long as its what you want, as long as it keeps you happy, I'll do whatever I can to make it happen' 

And with that, I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, nestled in my best friends arms. 

                                                                               The end..  

Thank you guys, you're awesome:3 xoxox

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