Tick tock, tick tock...

69 2 2

Okay, i don't really have much to say, apart from sorry its so bad;) so yeah:p

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My eyes scrunched together even tighter, as my phone came alive with the annoying buzzing. As i opened my eyes, confusion filled my brain. Why was it so dark? I looked at the time. 7am?!?!?! Why the hell would i set an alarm for 7 in the morning?! I went to change the time on the alarm, when i caught what I'd named the alarm

Oh my giddy aunt...

I jumped up and grabbed my cardigan for warmth, then ran out of my room, and into mums bedroom.

I ran and dived onto her bed, and began yelling.


My mother mumbled something into her pillow, then looked at me groggily, and Chris sat up instantly in alarm.

'For an almost 18 year old, you sure are childlike' she smirked, pushing me off the bed.

At christmas, we always have my aunts, uncles and cousins over, so once id finally got my mum and Chris up and we'd opened the presents we'd gotten each other, mum began the huge christmas dinner we always prepared for the family.

Me and Chris were slouched out on the sofa, watching one of the films id bought him for christmas.

'Jessy, aunt Helen will be here soon, you'd better get yourself sorted and dressed..you know how she hates people not being dressed before 9' my mum called to me. I looked over at Chris, and we rolled our eyes in unison. Laughing at how in-sync we were, I heaved a great dramatic sigh, and slumped upstairs.

I dressed quickly, choosing a deep purple, so deep it was almost black thigh length dress, and teamed it with grey woolly tights, a grey cardigan and my favourite black and grey scarf. Pulling on my new black lace up boots Chris had chosen for me, and my beanie (that meant I didn't have to make an effort with my hair) I then applied a light layer of makeup, feeling to christmassy and happy to care what my face looks like. 

As I was applying my last flick of mascara the doorbell chimed. I rolled my eyes instantly, knowing it was My aunt. Not wanting to face her just yet, I carried on finishing getting ready, tuning out all sound from downstairs. I decided to put away my new things also, in order to spare myself a few more minutes. I'd received a couple of DVD, a pile of clothes which were all super cute surprisingly, and some money towards a new phone I'm saving for.

As I was putting the set of pants and bras Id been given (unwrapping them infront of Chris was embarrassing..) I was startled by a timid knock at the door. Presuming it was one of my little cousins, I called sweetly,  'come in!'

'Merry Christmas..'

I freeze at the sound of what isn't my 3 year old cousin, but instead a think, male, Irish twang. Lee. 

I hadn't spoke or seen him since the night of the dance just over 3 months ago, and it kinda stung to see how hot he was. He was dressed in dark jeans, and what looked like a white shirt under a fitted trenchcoat, along with matching boots. He'd gotten a lip ring, which made me bite my lip instinctively, then wanting to slap myself for the lack of dignity. I'd never even begun to see him like that before, why is my mind messing with me like this?!

I realised I hadn't yet said anything, so I straightened and put on a smile

'Hey Lee, merry Christmas' my head refocused and connected with my mouth 'what are you doing around here? I thought you'd be home for Christmas?'

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