The dress.

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I turned in the mirror, checking i looked okay. I loved this dress, but was it too much?

'Bahjesus Jessy,' Ellen startled me by saying 'You look so fine, i'm beginning to question my sexuality'

I laughed at her comment, checking the reflection one more time before grabbing my purse to check the contents for the sixth time 'Wouldn't Dave have an issue on his hand there?'

'Trust me, if he saw you in this dress he'd understand' This girl never failed to make me chuckle. I didn't look that good..

I was wearing my favourite dress, the one i pulled out so many times for different parties, but it was so nice noone questioned me.It was a piercing red colour, 60's style, with cupped sleeves and a tie that pulled the dress in the smallest part if my waist. It came down to my mid-calf, and was a soft, airy fabric so i never got too hot in it. I absolutely adored the dress as soon as i spotted it almost a year ago, in a small dress shop down in Aber. We'd gone down in a group of us, and Lee had chosen it out for me..I sighed, then shook my head. No, I wasn't going to let myself get upset over Lee.

Another person who's left you because you bore them..

'Has Lee still not messaged you?' Ellen asked, sensing my disheartening.

I shook my head, staring at my hands 'Haven't heard a thing. And i'm not going to go find him, he's the one in the wrong'

'He says he regrets letting you leave, but hasn't had the guts to come apologise'

'You've spoke to him?' I looked at her as she nodded 'well, he always did have an issue with confrontation. Come on, I have a date' I winked.

You may as well go home, he's obviously not coming..

I'd been sitting outside the bistro for over half an hour, watching the cars go past. It really did seem like I had been stood up. 

Can't really blame him, why would he want a date with you?

I decided I wasn't going to be made a fool of any longer, and got up. The worst part about this was the awkwardness i was going to feel while at the gym, if i ran into him..i cringed mentally at the thought.

'Jess! Jess! Wait up! Jess!' Between the noises of the crowd (it was really busy for a friday) i could hear shouting. I turn around, and could see Jack running-no, sprinting towards me. A heat reached my cheeks as i seen him push past people.

'H-he-yy' He panted, he crouched, hands on his knees 'I thought you'd left..'

'I was just about to'

He jerked his head at my coldness 'Now Jess, i really didn't mean to be so late, I'd finished work late and my parents needed help at their house and then my sister broke her arm and-' I cut him off with a hand over his mouth.

'Okay, okay!' I laughed as he gave me his best puppy dog eyes, and took my hand away. 

'But seriously, i really am sorry.. I can't believe I let a beautiful young lady wait out in the cold,especially as she's looking so lovely!' He gestured at my outfit. I rolled my eyes, but blushed involuntarily. Okay, so he was cheesy, but cute.

'But seriously Jack, it's okay! Lets go in, its freezing!' I laughed, pulling on his arm towards the bistro. He slipped my arm in his and lead the way.


'So, tell me more about your family life?' Jack said, as he finished his lasagne. I cringed at the thought of talking about myself, and thought i'd gotten away with it when i'd asked about his day.

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