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Amelia is the outcast of the school. Her minute friend group is the extent of her social life. They all come from different backgrounds having only their loneliness in common. She doesn't wander far from her friend group. She sits in the back of her classes doodling on her notebook and zoning out as the teachers talk about their nonsense. Her dark colored band tees and black makeup keep any idiotic goons from trying to speak to her. She smells like the cigarettes she smokes between classes. She knows everyone, but no one knows her. That's how she likes it.
"Amelia, do you know the answer?" Mrs. Gibbs squeaks from the front of the class.
"Nope," Amelia replies monotonously as the bell rings. The rest of the class gets up to leaves class as Amelia grabs her bag off the floor.
"Amelia you aren't leaving." Mrs. Gibbs says glaring at her.
"Watch me." Amelia replies.
"I am sick of this Amelia! You are completely disrespectful. Every day you come into class and completely zone out. You never do your work. You slack off on group assignments. I can smell the cigarette smoke on you as soon as you walk in; which you know you can't smoke on school property. I don't know what to do with you." Mrs. Gibbs rants.
"Do whatever you want. Detention, suspension, expulsion, bring it on. At least I won't be stuck in a high school like you." Amelia tests Mrs. Gibbs.
"I don't think that is necessary. Go to guidance Miss Clarke."
"What? Why? I can't stand Miss Manning." Amelia says in disbelief.
"You need to talk about whatever this disrespect roots from."
"I can tell you what it roots from right now. It's being in this inferno every day for six plus hours." she sasses.
"I can either let you go on your own or escort you" Mrs Gibbs threatens.
"Fine." Amelia says and walks out of the room and to the guidance office.
She opens the door and walks in the room.
"It smells like a greenhouse exploded." she mutters under her breath as she walks up to the secretary, "Amelia Clarke." she says and sits on the cushioned chair by the door.
She is sitting for a few seconds when the door opens revealing a tall muscular guy with dark blonde hair and light green eyes. Jasper Moore. Amelia knows him. Everyone does. He's the soccer team captain. The class president.  He's the most popular person at Maplewood High School. He walks down the hall receiving countless 'hellos' from everyone. The jocks, the computer wizs, the punks, the preps, and the band geeks; all of them know his name. He is full of self confidence. His sugary sweet smile and jovial attitude make him the life of the school. To Amelia, he is just a walking ball of overly large amounts of positivity. He walks in and up to the desk with a blinding grin. 
"Hello Jasper!" the secretary says sweetly, "Miss Manning is in a brief meeting, but she will see you soon. Just have a seat."
"Alright, thank you Miss McCord." he says with a sickeningly sweet smile before turning around and searching for a seat.
His eyes land on Amelia and he begins to move to sit next to her. Amelia holds in a groan as he sits down. All she wanted was to be left alone and now here he is sitting down next to her. There are at least five other seats, but of course he chooses the one next to her. His blonde hair falls in ringlets by the collar of his button up shirt. If he weren't the paradigm of the perfect boy he might seem a bit more attractive to her.
"Are you new here?" the boy asks.
Now he wants to make small talk. Grand.
"As new as you are." she says.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't seen you before." Jasper replies embarrassed.
"Not a surprise."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not surprised you haven't seen me or noticed me. I try to stay away from you and your crowd as much as possible."
Baffled Jasper replies, "Why?" He isn't used to this kind of response to his kindness.
"I don't know. I don't like how you act. You're always so positive, as if life is all rainbows and sunshine."
"And what's so wrong with that?" he asks.
"You all need to realize that even the sunniest of days can be threatened by an oncoming storm." Amelia responds with a bitter tone.
"I think you're just closed minded."
Amelia whips her head in his direction, "You don't even know me!" Amelia yells back beginning to feel attacked.
"You don't know me either but you're judging me for being too happy!" he says back calmly but with a slight edge in his tone.
Amelia tries to form a response but can't seem to find a valid argument. He's right. Here she is judging him when she doesn't even know him.
"I guess you're right," Amelia sighs, "I really don't know you, so I shouldn't judge you."
Jasper nods his head and leans back in his seat. There is an uncomfortable silence for what is only a few seconds, but to Jasper it feels like ages. His social personality isn't a fan of awkward silence.
"What's your name?" he asks trying to end the silence.
"Ameliaaaaa?" he asks, wanting a last name.
"Clarke. My name is Amelia Clarke. Are you done talking yet?"
"What is with you?"
"I'm just not in the mood to talk. I'm not having the best day. Okay?"
"Why hasn't your day been good? Would you like to talk about it? I know that when I'm having a bad day I like to talk to someone about it."
"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't know you and you don't know me."
"Come on Amelia. Why don't we meet after school and we can go get some food and chat. I'm always willing to help out a friend. I bet if you come you will have a fun time. You'll regret not going."
"Okay let me clear this up. One, we are not friends, two, I said I don't want to talk, and three, you aren't my type."
"Well one, we could change that, two, you don't have to talk, three, you aren't my type either, and four, you get a free meal out of it."
"Why do you even care? I'm just a girl who no one knows."
"That may be true, but you're an upset girl who no one knows. No one wants to be sad. I don't want you to be sad."
"Okay." Amelia says and stares at Jasper.
"Okay what?"
"I'll go, but only because I get free food."
"Amelia, Miss Manning will see you now." Mrs. McCord says.
"Here," Jasper says retrieving his phone from his pocket, "Give me your number and I'll text you about the plans."
Amelia grabs his phone, types her number in,  and then hands it back.
"It was really nice to meet you. I'll see you soon, Okay?"
"Okay." Amelia smiles. She smiles a real smile. One bigger than she had smiled in ages.

"Little did I know. I had just met my future husband." Amelia says to her sixteen year old daughter, Marina, who smiles brightly at her.
"I can't believe you and dad are high school sweethearts," Marina responds, "Were you really that rude to him?"
"Yup, I guess I was, but apparently it didn't affect him."
"She was rude, but she was also very beautiful!" Jasper says as he walks in the room and sits directly next to Amelia, just like he had all those years ago. "I wasn't your type?" Jasper winks and pulls Amelia closer.
"It was a good thing I got sent the guidance office, I guess."
"It definitely was." Marina replies and hugs them both close.

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