Chapter 4

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~ AHHHHHHHH! I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG AND I AM SO SORRY! I know it's been a while and I am super sorry to all my supporters and readers! I was in the process of moving and I didn't have time to update, and I absolutely love writing this story for you guys. I finally moved on Saturday and went to school. It's my first time being the new kid and my first few days of school weren't the greatest, but I made friends and I'm ready to start writing up some more updates for you guys when I can. I have a project coming up in February but I'm going to try and update as best as I can. But anyways, sorry for being a bother, let's get on with the story shall we?

~ EzraBridgerisBae

I feel myself get thrown back into the cell I was in the fist time I was put here. I've been going back and forth through that lab and this cell. They've made their project and there's nothing I can do about it. How long has it been? Hours? Days? Months? It's hard to keep track of time. Sometimes they'll tell me how long I've been here, counting by seconds, minutes in that same monotone voice they use all the time. Over and over and over again. It starts to drive me insane... Then they stop and leave. That's always confused me. If they want to turn me into a weapon or break me, then why do they stop?

I've been their project for a while now. They like to call me 'Project 909' and I despise it. They put all sorts of injections in me, making me hallucinate, burning me from the inside out, and a lot more that I don't even remember anymore. I almost want to laugh. They have been injecting me with so many things, damaging me, driving me that insane, that I don't even remember half of the things they've done to me. I smile sadly, laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling. It's not even worth trying to get out of here. I'm stuck, all of this is making it harder to survive.

A door opens and the Inquisitor and Agent Sideburns walk in. I may have given up on a lot of things, but I'm not giving up on that nickname. I sit up and look in their direction.

"Hello, Project 909." The Inquisitior snarls at me. I glare at him tiredly, I hate it when one of these stupid imperials call me that. I don't want to be their project, I never agreed to be. Hearing them call me that makes me feel like an object and worthless. I'm just their weapon, they're just using me like everyone else does.

"I see you've gotten back from the lab. I'm terribly sorry I could not be there to see you suffer. Next time, I suppose." He wickedly grins at me before turning his attention to Sideburns. "How did it go, Agent Kallus?"

"It went just as you planned. The injections Dr. Hatter had given him made him hallucinate. It tore through every part of his mind to get to hidden fears in the farthest area of his mind. Causing him immense pain, the Doctor thoroughly enjoyed viewing that." replied Sideburns.

"Perfect." The Inquisitor spoke slowly. It agitates me how insane he is. How this entire place is insane. Especially that doctor/scientist guy. What's his name again? Dr. Hatter? Well, that's not surprising. I glare at the Inquisitor as he laughs silently, but still monotone. It's like everyone here uses that tone of voice, they're emotionless.

He brings a droid in. It wasn't like the same interrogation droid I see most of time. They've brought that one in here a few times before, but not many. That droid would usually be placed on my head, I don't remember why though. I can't seem to remember a lot of things clearly anymore because of everything they've done to me. My mind is all hazy. The droid seems to look a bit different then what I saw before, but I don't take to much notice to it. I'm too tired for this.

"Finally, we go can test this droid out." The Inquisitor says. Is this droid new or something? I've already seen it before, what is he even talking about? Isn't that the droid that's supposed to go through my head to show them my memories? Oh look! I remember what it does now! I laugh silently at myself, I'm going insane. Heh. I look towards the inquisitor with a look of confusion spread across my face.

"What do you mean 'finally'? That droid has already been here before." I speak hoarsely.

"I thought you believe that. This droid is actually a new experiment. It is said to erase memories and I'd like to test that out today, since up you are our little puppet, or as we like to call you our project. You are our soon to be weapon, so we would like to try it out on you first." He grins. Wait, what? No! No, no, no, no. They are not erasing my memories, they're not erasing everything in my mind! I don't want to forget anything! I don't care about what's happening right now, I don't want my memories erased!

I cowardly back away in fear as the droid comes closer until I can't back away anymore. Guards grab me by the arms, forcing me to stay still as I struggle beneath their grasp. This can't be happening.

I feel the droid settle itself on my head and begin prodding at my memories.

The Ghost crew. Gone.

My time on the streets. Gone.

My parents. Gone.

My childhood. Gone.

I scream loudly as I feel every little thing in my mind being tore out of my head. Everything that made me who I am today, the people that made me who I am, all being taken out piece by piece. Everything the goes blank.


Huh? Where am I? Who are they? Who am I? What's going on? Something lightly comes off my head, I dint know what though. I look around in confusion until I remember one thing. I am project 909.

"Hello, Project 909. That is your name right?" The white skinned man above me asks. This man is my-

"Yes master." I reply, my face blank.

He is my Master

~ Well, here's this. Chapter 4. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and il try to update more often, as long as I have time. But I really enjoy writing this book for you guys so il try my hardest! This was really dramatic, it might be a little cliche to some of you, including me a bit heh. Well enough of this rambling stuff, il see you guys next time. Yeah boi. *look into to the distance and whispers* my longest yeah boi ever. Okay il stahp now. Baiiiiiii

~ EzrBridgerisBae

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