Chapter 1- La La Land

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"Ms. Rose"

"Yes, mr. Cherry?"I covered my mouth so that I wouldn't laughed out.
'Ohhh,boy his face is so red'

I'm currently sitting in the principal's office  because of , you know .... *cough* some *cough* pranks The great me have done.

"Care to explain, why......... IS THERE A FREAKING COW ON THE 1st FLOOR!!!!! He literally screamed in my face
I couldn't hold it anymore. I broke out into a historical fit of laughter while I'm banging my fist to his desk....slightly cracking it in the process.
"Ms. ROSE!!!!"he again, screamed in my face.

I finally composed myself after a good, long laugh...seriously. But when I looked at him again,him glaring of course, I quickly composed myself.

A deep, and playful sigh came out of me to just completely annoy him. " okay, how many?"

"Just for a week of suspension, dear" he said through gritted teeth.

" okay...." I stood up dramatically and came towards the door.but turned towards him again.

" you might give good o'l Becky some hay Sir C."he looked ready to strangle me so I darted laughing myself of and almost slip in the process because I didn't see where I'm coming through.

I passed some of my friends on the hallway and I gave a small wave, that they also returned. I also spotted Courtney the bitch ,and her so called group of sluts in which she includes of being one.
I gave her one of my fake smiles but she only glared at me with eyes of envy...say what???

I quickly walked toward my two Bff's room completely ignoring her.

Students, one by one, came out of the room saying 'hi' and 'hello' towards me.
And I greeted back cheerfully. And when finally, my two dorks came out.
I run towards Kurt and Lia spreading my arms wide so that I could crush them, but unfortunately, they both stepped aside sooooooo I happenly gave my one of a kind hugs to my good o'l friend.....the wall. It fells like yesterday when we became good friends, which it's when I'm only at middle school, so technically, it's been.....I dunno, 3 or 4 years maybe?? Oh right it has been that long. Ohhh, WE HAVENT EVEN CELEBRATED IT YET!!! what kind of a friend am I?!?!?
We have to start no----!!!

"Ummm. Sephie?" Lia asked slightly shaking me when I'm sitting on the floor...wait...FLOOR!!!!MY GOOD OLD FRIEND I MISS~~

" OWWWW!!!" Kurt stood before me holding his hand up, in which he used to hit my head with.
"Why'd you do that for!!!! * pout*" I asked, rubbing my head from the pain.
He just rolled his eyes at me with a smirk tugging from his lips.
"You're drifting off to La La Land knew what happen when you've done that?" He answered.
Since when?? I tried to remember what he said, when.... Ohhh~"OWWWWW!!!"
This time, Lia hit me on the forehead but it's not too painful.
I just glared at them both, while they, just gave an eye roll.
" come on,let's go home" Kurt said dragging me up and now, we're heading towards the double glass doors.
But I remembered something...

Seriously? They just have to dragged me, literally.

I looked towards them both while we're walking... Might as we'll introduce them both. Well,Lia is 5'7 girl which is taller because of my 5'1 height, she has a mop of red hair that reach up to her waist and a set of green orbs. While Kurt,he is a giant that's height reached up to 6'0, he has strawberry blonde hair with dark brown eyes...while me, I died my hair bright pink , yah know.... I'm an otaku of course!!!! And I also have a set of bright blue orbs.
I'm classified as the smurf of our group because of my height...hello!!!! Their tall and I'm ......short..... I wish that I could be tall though, when that happened... I'm gonna climbed to a skyscraper and act like King Kong from the movie....IM NOT A GORILLA OK!?!?
And maybe get Lia and Kurt And play with them like doll!!! Ohhh, that could be great .

"!!!" I think that my eardrums are ringing like bells while I'm seeing angels floating above my head....oww.

I rubbed my ears and glared at them both for interrupting my moment to La La Land, again.

"We should get going now" Kurt said. And Lia nodded.

I waved at them while shouting dumb goodbyes while they returned it with some normal goodbyes.
When they where out of the distance, I looked at the double, silver gates where a two-story mansion lies at. I just sighed, knowing that I would be alone here again because my parents are all out for some business for our company to attend to.

I'm currently sitting at our couch here in the living room, while watching anime when I stumble across a 24 hour marathon that is so familiar to me; Arcana Famiglia.

I really love this anime...having amazing powers, a cool mark and........wearing black cool suits!!!!!!
But not literally.

But most importantly, it's kinda about family for which I wish that my own family is here.
They don't really spend much time with me at all. They are always busy doing business. Much less, having time with me. And when we even do meet, they would just scold me for causing some trouble at school, and when they could finish, they would walk away while mumbling some hurtful words towards me.

I quickly shook off of the thoughts. Standing up, while turning off the T.V, I grabbed my black hoddie , my phone, my Ipod and my headphones that I strapped at my neck.
Might as well go to the park to let my thoughts out.

I'm walking at the park while I'm listening La La Land by Demi Lovato and Completly ignoring some couples doing some lovey dovey stuffs that would make me wanna gag.

When the song is finished, I decided that I could go home now. It's also getting dark.

Coming up to the sidewalk that's across the bus station that I have to go through, I walked towards it, never bothering to look if there are cars running by.

But boy, that was the biggest mistake I've ever done...because I haven't notice the truck that's been passing to fast.
The last that I ever saw and hear are the blurry image of  people moving and the sound of a siren of an ambulance.

Off to La La Land, I guess.

Childish? Or Not? (Arcana Famigllia)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt