The Scientology Diary

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Warning: What the charters say and do in the story do not reflect my own personal beliefs. The story contains homophobia and suicide. Events in this story are based off multiple real life events. The character in the story are fictional with the exception of Quentin Hubbard.


Dear Diary,

New Year, New Me. This is going to be the year everything changes in my life. My New Year's Resolutions for this year is to keep a diary, adjust to Los Angeles life, launch my acting career and find some inner peace in the church of Scientology. During the last few weeks I have been thinking about joining this church and I am finally going to commit to it. It just feels right and everyone in the church sounds so happy.

My childhood friend Natalie joined Scientology a year ago and she loves it. Since joining the church she said her depression got better, she lost some weight, and she even met some influential people though the church. Not to mention the she met her current boyfriend Kurt through the church too. Hopefully some of her luck rubs off on me especially since we are going to be roommates starting next week. I was planning to get to Los Angeles before New Year's but my family wanted me to spend the New Years with them. So since I am moving halfway across the country I decided to stay home until the fifth. Natalie was upset at first but she got over it. She just doesn't understand since she isn't close to her family. Since she left she probably answered her family's phone calls twice. They are worried about her but they are just overacting.

Everything is going great in Natalie's life except for her old roommate randomly leaving. She said it was out of the blue and she was worried about paying the rent without having someone to split it with. Since I was looking into moving to Los Angeles around the same time it worked out perfectly. Honestly since I heard about her needing a roommate I have been rushing my moving plans but it feels like the right time. Right now almost everything I needed to do is done and I feel ready. Well write in you latter diary but it is getting late and I am exhausted.


Ashley Singer


Dear Diary,

Last night was crazy! On New Year's I couldn't party since my family wanted to spend it with me so I partied last night. I meet up with some high school friends at the bar and told them about moving to Los Angeles. Then in celebration we decided to do a bar crawl. So I can't remember anything else about last night. Right now it is one in the afternoon and I just woke up. Everything hurts and this honestly might be the worst hangover ever. Though because of the time I am writing this entry is going to count for yesterday and today. Also this is going to be short since my head is pounding and I need to make myself a hangover remedy. So write in you latter diary.


Ashley Singer


Dear Diary,

There is only twelve more hours until I get on the plane for Los Angeles and I can't wait. I almost forgot about you today dairy but at the last minute I remembered. So this means this entry is going to be short. Sorry. Really nothing happened today Natalie sent me one of her first scientology books to me so I was reading it today. Everything in it just makes sense and I just find it fascinating. Mom then took me out to lunch and we talked about me moving. I promised to call her once a week and to write letters too. She is worried that I will end up in the wrong crowd and disappear forever. She originally wanted me to call once a day but I reasoned with her that calling long distance everyday would be too expensive for me. Well goodnight dairy.

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