| afterword

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after two years of continuous writer's block & personal issues, I've made it through. we've made it through & it's all thanks to all of you reading this. I cannot express my gratitude for the ones that have supported me endlessly. I thank you from the depths of my heart.

Q & A

Q: What inspired you to write a story like darling, you'll be okay?

A: I had always toyed with the idea of a character being the supports for another & vice versa. Personally, I've always felt the need to help others in any way I can and after experiencing the feeling of helplessness as I watched someone I held closely hit their breaking point, I couldn't help but write. I had to get the word out there- that you are never alone & that it's okay to break down. The bonds that are made in relationships, such as friendships, blossom into something so beautiful & chaotic that needs to be seen by the world.

Q: How come you've never mentioned the names / genders of both of the characters?

A: I've always felt that this should be up to the reader's interpretation. I had originally planned to reveal their names & the gender of the narrator towards the end but halfway through writing one of the chapters, I decided against it. Although darling is a term of endearment commonly used with females, this book revolves around the idea that the narrator is speaking to you, the reader, as your friend or whomever you want them to be.

Q: Can you explain the process of writing a chapter in this story?

A: Sometimes, it came randomly & I would scribble my ideas out onto a napkin or my hand if I had no paper near me. Other times, events from my life would inspire certain parts of a scene, therefore, leading to the ultimate lesson or topic of that chapter. Hence why, this story is such an important piece of work to me.

Q: Why did you only write 15 short chapters?

A: This is how I always imagined closing it off. The characters have grown immensely throughout the timeline of this story & eventually, they're off to explore life on their own. It's open ended & hopefully, it left you thinking.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below !

In the end, I hope you've taken something from this story. It was always my intention to try to bring something to light in my readers' minds & make you see something from a new perspective. I'm eternally grateful for every one of you & I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I.


darling, you'll be okay ✓Where stories live. Discover now