Start from the beginning

"Unrecognized lifeform approaching. Shall I call Lex Luthor?"

I paled as the realization sunk in. The voice didn't belong to someone I knew. It was too young, too different; and though I couldn't see the person yet, I saw their shadow, and I knew shadows. The figure didn't match the outline of anyone I had ever come in contact with. This was a new, unaware, possibly dangerous person.

"Shall I call Lex, Miss. (Y/n)?"

"No, don't call Lex," I ordered my AI system, "I'll let you know if you need to."

I slowly pulled my legs down, bare feet touching the soft carpet. I stood up and moved towards the front glass wall separating me from the danger outside.

"(Y/n), you still there?" I abruptly ended the call, almost forgetting that I had been talking to Ivy in the first place. I would get weeds growing under my bed for it, but I didn't need Ivy to freak out and go all savage mother when she found out what was going on. I could take care of myself, this was a chance to prove it.

"W-who's there?" I grimaced. Not only was my voice wavering, but there was a nice crack at the beginning of my question. I was supposed to sound confident and strong, not like the freaked out fifteen year old that I was.

A yellow streak ran into my room, stopping in front of the glass near the living room, a few feet to the left of me It was Kid Flash. He looked better in person than he did in the images Lex had of him. His hair was a richer red, giving me the impression that it really could be on fire. When I squinted I could see lightning sparking behind his bottle green eyes. My eyes travelled over his bright suit, blushing. It was tight.

His eyes scanned the surrounding area before landing on me. I sucked in a breath, pulse roaring in my ears. This feeling, sweaty hands, fast pulse was unfamiliar and unwelcome. This had never happened in training before, then again, I had always been aware that the training wasn't real.

Kid Flash continued to stare at me in all of my loungewear glory, standing behind six inches of power proof, bullet proof glass. He met my eyes, and my heart stopped. A blush spread across his cheeks as well, connecting his dark freckles.

"Who are you? Did Luthor lock you up? Did they experiment on you?" He asked quickly, walking over to the panel that controlled the door. Classic, assuming that I wasn't here by choice, that I was being held prisoner for some weird reason.

"No!" I screeched when he reached out for the panel. The room became shrouded in darkness, the shadows in the darkest corners inching forward to cover up the lights on the ceiling. What scared me more than his proximity to the panel keeping me from the outside world however, was his shadow flickering behind him.

Letting out a slow breath, I sighed in relief when Kid Flash's shadow returned to normal. Kid Flash hunched over, coughing dryly a few times before straightening back up and looking himself over. Upon finding nothing wrong, he looked back at me.

I pressed my hands against the glass keeping me and Kid Flash apart, "Don't let me out. If you do, what just happened to you might happen again."

"What are you- Did you do that to me?" Kid Flash questioned, speeding in front of me. He put his gloved hands over mine. My eyes flitted down to them, my cheeks flushing again. If I focused, I could imagine warmth coming from his covered skin, both natural and unnatural from the energy his powers sent through him.

"I didn't do it on purpose," I claimed defensively, stepping back. I clenched the hand he placed his over into a fist, chasing away my former thoughts, "I'm sorry. I'm really good at controlling it most of the time. This has just never happened before."

Shadows ⚡️ Kid Flash X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now