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of or suitable for a funeral.

Ex. 'She had discarded her rainbow-colored garb, and was clothed in funereal black.'


The mirror showed a girl different from the Thora everyone else knew.

Wet, dark hair was braided back, and a pink, splotchy face showed light splashes of acne. Her eyes were less pronounced than usual, her usual lips painted black with lipstick remained their natural light pink. She turned to the side, admiring her figure in the mirror. In an effort to keep up with Calum- who worked out almost daily- Thora had been working out and eating right for a bit over a year now, working to keep her body relatively toned and slender. Her body still wasn't as drool worthy as Calum's, but it definitely was pretty nice.

Luke was right when he'd suggested that her panties were black. Standing in the mirror, Thora admired the matching set, knowing she wasn't planning on letting anyone see them but liking it anyways. It added to the allure.

She'd been up for a little over twenty minutes already, and still had a little while to go. Calum didn't have to wear concealer or foundation, but Thora definitely did.

Maybe she compared herself with him a little too much.

Her makeup routine took a while, but when she was finished her splotchy face was turned into a pale pink work of art, eyes lined nicely and lips black- or rather, lipstick black, if you wanted to listen to Mr.Irwin's lesson from the previous day.

She made her way back to her room and got dressed before going back to the mirror, adjusting the black skirt. It was slightly paint stained from the day a few weeks ago when she went and spray painted the backside of a billboard directly after school, but she hadn't been dress coded yet, so she didn't care. If anything, it added to the astetic.

Parkside Prep's school colors were black, navy, and white, which was translated into a black skirt and a navy blue vest over a white collared shirt. Knee high socks weren't part of the uniform, but Thora added them anyways. If she was going to be a school girl, she was going to do it right.

When she was finally done she looked almost like a different person. The dark makeup contrasting against her pale skin gave her a more dangerous, confident effect, which she appreciated. Calum radiated confidence, she needed to be able to keep up with him.

She left the bathroom right as her little sister was going to knock on the door, just waking up. Thora had two little sisters actually, identical twins, Meg and Leona. She also had two big sisters, Sarah and Debrah, who were both in college. Her parents had only had one son- Tom, who was two years older than Thora and working at a 7/11, still living at home.

Thora did her best to avoid her family in the mornings, but with such a big one, it was hard to. She rushed through the kitchen, grabbing a banana and her backpack and heading out through the front door.

Calum was late, as usual, and Thora considered slashing his tires briefly before she saw his old hunk of a car turn the corner. Parkside Prep was a private school, so most of the kids were pretty well to do, making Calum's car easily the worst one in the parking lot. Could be worse. Thora could be stuck taking the bus.

And Calum was such great company, it just made sense. She got in the car and told him he was a dickbag for being late, and he made a crude if not witty about just what she could do with his dick, before driving off.

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