He smiled. “I love you too, sweetheart. But I’m not sure you really want this. You still have that drug in your system and it’s the drug talking.”

“No it’s not,” I insisted. “Please Jack.”

“Alright, just sit still,” he said.

He came closer and kissed my neck again. I closed my eyes and took in the sensations he gave me. He latched onto one place with his mouth and sucked and licked it. I moaned and once I did, his teeth punctured the skin. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and held him there while he showed the mark love. He pulled his face from my neck and kissed me on the lips.

“Satisfied?” he questioned.

I nodded. “Thank you. I love you Jack.”

“I love you too, Diana,” he replied.

“So what happened while I was gone?”

“We won the battle, but a couple of people passed away, including one of the females.”

I gasped. “Oh my god, who? Is it one of my friends?” I freaked out.

“No, calm down, it’s not one of your friends. But it was Sarah, Matt and Caleb’s mom,” he revealed.

My hands flew to my mouth. “Oh my god, that’s horrible! They must be devastated! When’s the funeral?”

“I think they’re planning it for tomorrow. She’ll be buried in the pack graveyard in the woods,” he informed.

“Well can I get out of here and go talk to the girls?” I asked.

“Sorry, babe, but the doctor wants you to stay here over night.”

I huffed and leaned back. “Fine! She’s a party pooper! Can you at least get my friends in here so we can talk in private?”

“Sure, I’ll go get them. Have one of them come get me when you’re done,” he said and headed out of the room.

About 10 minutes later, all of my friends were gathered around me grinning like maniacs. When I least expected it, they all wrapped me into a bone crushing hug. It was hurting my bruises.

“Let go, please!” I gasped and they let go faster than you could say bananas.

They pulled up chairs and sat around me.

“Alright, spill it, who’s mated?” I asked, looking around at all of them.

Rosie and Nadina raised their hands happily. I smirked.

“I should’ve known that you would’ve Nadina, but Rosie if you mated doesn’t that mean you’re…” I trailed off.

She nodded, giggling. “Caleb and I are going to the pack doctor right after the funeral,” she answered.


“Did anyone notice that their marks were morphing into a picture because I did,” Emalee said and tilted her to the side. “Mine’s a heart with the mark inside of it.”

Nadina flipped her head to the side revealing a beautiful mark. It was a Chinese Cherry Blossom Tree.

“Wow, that’s crazy beautiful!” Aliah said, showing us hers. “Mine is a rose.”

 “Can someone tell me what mine is?” I asked, moving my neck so it was in their view.

“It’s a pink flower with the stem going down to your collarbone,” Jordan said.

“I have a wolf,” Roni smiled. “Isn’t it pretty?”

“It looks exactly like Nik’s wolf!” Rosie exclaimed.

“I know! It’s so cool! What’s yours Rosie?” she asked.

“I have a G clef with flowers surrounding it,” she said. “Jordan, what do you have? You’re the last one to share!”

“It’s a shooting star with our names in it,” she said.

“Aww that’s cute!” I exclaimed

“BABE!” a voice came from outside.

“That’s my cue. Bye Diana. Feel better,” Rosie said, getting up.

“We better get going. We’ll see you soon. I’ll go get Jack,” Roni said.

The girls got up and left me there until my mate joined me.


Everyone has been marked! Yay!

Are the marks cool or what?

The funeral is next chapter along with Rosie’s visit to the pack doctor!

Hate? Like? Love?

All music belongs to Dream Street and all photos belong to their rightful owners. No copyright intended~


Gotta Get The Girl [Werewolf Romance]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن