"Unbelievable, Louis. You're such a fucking prick."

"I'm betting you've never tried one of these, have you?" Louis grinned, eyes seemingly increasingly bloodshot with each blink.

"I just want to revise for my fucking exams-"

"Answer the question," Louis demanded, holding his weight up by placing his palm on the wall directly beside Harry's head, the younger boy cautiously side-eying the toned forearm.

Harry was unsure how to respond, feeling as though his his throat had suddenly misplaced its' memory of how to properly form comprehensible phrases.

Instead, Harry slowly shook his head at the smirking boy, unable to meet his dilated pupils as he silently answered.

"Would you like one, then?" Louis offered, blowing yet another ring into Harry's face as he paused. "Not as dangerous as your pastor daddy likes to scare you into believing, really."

"I-I don't have any cash on me-"

"S'okay, Harry," Louis assured him, rolling his eyes, "It's just a joint, I'm sure your mommy's next allowance can cover it."

"I have a job, Lou-"

"I'm teasing, Harry," Louis groaned, rubbing the ashy joint against the tin of his container, dropping it next to the other half used ones, "Learn to take a joke if you want to show up at my parties, yeah?"

"I-I'm not a very big fan of these kinds of parties, honest," Harry tried, nervously accepting the joint from a stoned Louis. "You don't have to worry about my attendance in the future."

"That's a shame, Harry," Louis mumbled, biting his lip in await of the inevitable cough from the curly haired boy cowering in front of him. "Despite what my conscience originally forced me to argue, I wouldn't mind seeing you walk through that front door weekly.

"It's not that easy to tell if you're teasing or not when your sarcasm sounds so much like your normal voice," Harry pointed out, stalling.

"Not teasing," Louis shrugged, "You seem like a boy who could easily learn how to have a really fun time."

"You're quite flamboyant when you're high," Harry dared, raising his eyebrows at the stereotypically-homosexual tone of Louis voice, "Bit cute, as well."

Harry could have sworn he saw Louis physically morph back into his usual self, but that was probably just based on the hesitation followed by the quickly shifting facial expression.

"Take a drag before I come to my sense and beat the shit out of you for those two conclusions, yeah?" Louis shot back, eyes flicking up to Harry's nervous stare.

Harry nervously nodded, throat suddenly tasting like cotton balls in fear of Louis threat.

"So, I-I just-"

Harry was incredibly inexperienced when it came to the definition of the term, "Take a drag."

"It's like a cigarette, Styles," Louis grinned, amused at Harry's confusion. "Like a blowjob, as well, except you're required to actually blow back on this, not just suck."

Harry continued to stare at Louis in blatant confusion, unsure why he was expected to know how to smoke a cigarette.

"Oh, Jesus, Harry," Louis sighed, shaking his head in irritation. "You've never done either of those, as well?"

"I've only sucked off two guys-"

Louis expression was suddenly much perkier, as he cocked his head at Harry, teasing, "Have you, then? A bit sluttier than your pastor daddy is aware of, are we?"

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