The Calling - Chapter 19

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It was around one O'clock when Quatre's large four wheel drive vehicle pulled into the car park of the equestrian centre, sited less than a mile along the road from the Winner mansion.

Everyone was aboard, including Wufei, who seemed to have lightened-up a little after his earlier anger. He was however, making every effort to stay away from Fumio. The young monk kept considering trying to talk to him, but figured it just wasn't the right time.

As everyone disembarked, they were greeted by the owner Andrew McNeil, an old friend of Quatre's father, and now, of Quatre.

"Ach, is good te see ye again Master Quatre." spoke the oldish, grey-haired man in a very broad Scottish accent, "Tis been a wee while."

Quatre smiled warmly as they shook hands.

"Hello again Andrew, good to see you again my friend. How's Mary? I trust she's well?"

"Oh, aye, she's fine" he replied, "she's away today, she was sorry she was gonna missed ye."

"Well, I'm sure we'll catch up another time," replied Quatre.

The Scottish man looked toward the Gundam gang now milling around next to the vehicle.

"Well, I'm sure ye'll all be eager to get started," he commented, "Everything's ready as ye asked. Will ye be needing any assistance with ye friends?"

Quatre shook his head, "I'm sure we'll be fine, but thank you for the offer."

"Aye, well, I'll leave ye to it then," he replied, turning to walk away "if ye need anything, I'll be arooound, jest come and find me."

Quatre led the group toward a large stabling area. Moments later they were all stood on fresh-smelling straw in the doorway of a huge, clean and well-lit barn.

The barn was divided into individual stables around the walls with a large open area in the centre. Several large air-conditioning units mounted in the roof, purred quietly, keeping the temperature inside to a comfortable level.

"Wow, seriously nice stabling," commented Noin, "are these all your horses Cat?"

Quatre nodded, "Yes, there are twelve in this barn and eight in the adjacent one."  As he spoke, he seemed a little distracted, scanning his eyes around the building to each of the stable doors, some of which had horses leaning out of them. He took a few steps inside the barn. The others followed him in.

"Hanaan.... Hanaan!" Quatre called out gently using his Arabian accent.

Suddenly, an excited whinny could be heard from one of the horses on the far side of the barn. Moments later, a large white, and particularly spirited horse appeared at one of the stable doors. On sight of her, Quatre's face lit up with a beaming smile.

"Hanaan, there you are," he gasped quietly hurrying  over toward her. The others followed curiously a little way behind him.

As he made his way across the barn, the large beast seemed to recognise him. She danced and nodded excitedly as he approached until he reached her.

Saying nothing, Quatre very slowly reached out his hand. Instantly the beautiful beast calmed and fell silent, becoming almost motionless, then gently brought her nose forward to meet with his touch.

Quatre's hand tenderly came to rest on her nose."Hello again old friend," he whispered as he began to stroke her, "sorry it's been so long." He leant forward and kissed her lovingly on the nose then reached his arms around her neck, embracing her.       

"Err, would you like us to leave you two alone?" asked Duo humorously, interrupting the reunion.

Quatre quietly chuckled and turned around to face the others, "I just haven't seen her in a while. I really do miss her."

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