The Girl in Red Hood

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         It was a simple story, really. I lived in a small, cosy cottage in the deep forest where only several people could locate my house. My parents died when I was at a young age; in fact, they were brutally murdered by an unknown man. Ever since that tragic day, my life changed completely and my most obvious trademark was the red hood and black boots that were passed on from my parents. 

        One sunny afternoon, I was prowling around the forest, looking for my food target when a short figure caught my sight. Ahh, it was the young wolf called Wolfie, who lived with his mother. He was holding a basket of meats, mhhhmm... yum. I could smell the scent of raw meat coming towards me. 

      I would get that basket of meat.... wait, I had a much better idea... I would be eating the most delicious one — the wolf! I chuckled to myself and rubbed my hands. Oh yes, my plan would work very well. I waited and hid behind the big, old tree as I saw Wolfie skipping joyfully to his grandmother's den. Skip all you can, my food... because this will be your last time.

      I spied until I saw him came up from the den, preparing to go home. I immediately approached him and used my sweetest voice as I put on a fake smile "Hey, how are you, little one? Where are you going?"

      "Um, my mum told me not to talk to strangers," The poor wolf said timidly, with big, round eyes staring at me. I almost softened at his innocent face but I shook that feeling off. Besides, he was pretty silly. If he could not talk to strangers, why did he even respond to me? I rolled my eyes mentally inside my head.

       I bent down to meet his eyes "Well, I can assure you, I'm a good person. Do I look bad?" I asked with a miserable face. 

       Wolfie averted his gaze guiltily and shook his head "No... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." As he finished his sentence, his ears drooped down, making him cuter than ever. Ugh! What am I even thinking? Food, he was my food! He would be in my stomach soon.

     "Aw, don't be sorry. Now, do you like sweets?" I comforted him. Wolfie's face lit up and nodded vigorously; his ears also perked up instantly. Yes.

     "Great! Would you like to come to my house? I have loads of candies for you." I mentioned as I tried to convince him.


     "No buts. Okay, let's go." I grabbed his hand and couldn't help but grinned with triumph. Ha, I managed to lure him to my house.

      As we reached closer to my house, Wolfie suddenly looked unsure and doubtful as he tried to get loose of my grip.

      "I-I think maybe I should go...go back h-h-home." He stammered and turned away.

      "Not so fast, Wolfie... you and I will have a lot of fun," I whispered maliciously and grabbed him with both hands.

     "Arwhoooooo!" Wolfie screamed, only making his scream like howling instead. I took the ropes from my pockets and was about to tie him up successfully as I sat on him.

    "Stop all this chaos now!" A foreign voice shouted. Oh no. A man lunged at me and pulled me away from the wolf.

     "What are you doing? Let me go! This is my food, let me go!" I struggled against the man but unfortunately, he handcuffed me and forced me to go inside the car. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Wolfie managed to break free with help from the other men and eventually ran away with full speed.

     I glared at the man who was driving and groaned as there were two other men sitting next to me to prevent me from escaping. I knew who they were. They were going to drive me to a mental hospital.

      After a long ride, we reached to our final destination: The Fairytale Psychiatric Hospital. Home sweet home, it was the place where I had escaped successfully before, until now. Oh right, I forgot to mention. 

      My name is Little Red Riding Hood... and I am a psychopath.

Hey guys, if you read to the end, then thank you so much! If not... then... it doesn't matter XD Feel free to comment on anything :)

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