Chapter 16

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•••Chapter 16•••


I really don't get why... Why did she cry? I am so curious and that is the question that keeps on replaying in my brain that can not be answered.

I am currently driving to home. I completely ignored Zoey after the incident. Why did she kiss me?! I am angry at her.

I finally arrived at our mansion after a few minutes. Good, because I am so curious of why Katilyn cried.

"Katilyn! Katilyn, please open the door. Open the door!" I yelled while knocking at our door.


I kept knocking but there was no response nor anyone opening the door.

I suddenly remembered that I was given a spare key by Dad for the house.

I searched for my key in my pocket and immediately twisted it on the door knob once I was able to grab it.

I opened the door and ran to her room as fast as I could. I don't know why but I feel the urge to know the reason behind her tears, the reason behind her painful eyes.

I knocked at her door and turned the knob. It's locked!

I knocked and knocked.

"KATILYN! Open this door or I'll kick this off!" I tried to scare her. But I think that if I'll scare her she'll really not open the door. What to do now?

"Katilyn... Katilyn... Please open the door. Please. We need to talk." I tried to calm my voice. What are we gonna talk about? Oh yeah, I'm just gonna ask her why she cried when she caught us.

Oh no.... Please don't tell me.... Is she? Is she.....

No, that's impossible. She can't fall for me...

I told her not to fall for me, SHE CAN'T.

I'll talk to her tomorrow. Bukas nalang.


I woke up early as I can to talk to Katilyn before she could even wake up for school. We can't go to school today, I will talk to her.

Yes, I didn't talk to her yesterday. She didn't open her room door. I decided to talk to her today. I guess she needs time to think and so do I.

I stood up and walked to her door and knocked. I twisted her door knob and luckily, it wasn't locked anymore.

I opened the door and saw her sleeping on her bed. Her eyes have deep eye bags.

I caressed her face and sighed. I wonder if I am the reason of why she cried.

I slowly sat on her bed and laid beside her. I don't know why but my arms suddenly wrapped itself around Katilyn as she sleeps.

I felt... I felt something different when I hugged her.

I felt pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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