Chapter 2

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"What he is thinking of himself he may be big Rockstar but don't he knows how to behave..Go to hell Mr.Abhishek Mehra" shouted Pragya and slammed the door behind her as she entered Tanu's cabin.

Tanu wondered by her anger "Oye..Pragya why you are boiling like a pressure cooker" asked with a chuckle by seeing her antics.

"Shut up Tanu..You know how he behaved and you know what he told he said we doctors are just working for money and we don't value lives how dare he is" she shouted.

Tanu puzzled "Excuse me can you tell me who you are talking about" asked with a questionable face.

At the time nurse came in and said "Pragya Ma'am shall we leave for rounds its already late"

"Okay..Come lets go" said Pragya and moved out.

Tanu stopped her in midway "tell me about whom you are talking about if you don't tell me my head ll burst into pieces tell who is that and leave" said Tanu eagerly.

Pragya irritated more "Ufff... Tanu...You are now irritating me than him" sighed Pragya.

"Listen why you are taking out someone's anger on me okay first tell me who is that him" she came back to the point.

"That Abhishek Mehra" she shouted irritatedly and left the room.

Tanu puzzled "Who is Abhishek Mehra" she murmured and confused.


"How dare she is..She called me 'Hey,You' she called me just like her servant you know who  I Abhi...Abhi the Rockstar" he shouted with attitude to Dr.Lalwani in his cabin after dadi's check up where Dr.Lalwani looked at Dadi who is holding his head doesn't know how to handle her grown up kid.

"Mr.Abhi calm down she is one of the best doctor not only by work she is good by heart" said Dr.Lalwani.

"Then I'm lying or what you Mr.Doctor" asked Abhi by banging his fist on table.
"No not like that we didn't get such complaints like this before" said the doctor.

"What the hell..You are supporting her you know I can spoil your hospital's reputation just like that don't dare to mess with me" threatened Abhi.

"Sir,Now what you want us to do" asked Dr.Lalwani.

"Simple she wanna apologize me infront of everyone" said Abhi and sat on his seat.

"But sir,She is experienced senior doctor it ll spoil her reputation" explained Dr.Lalwani.

"Then what about my reputation" he asked with a grin. "well if you don't mind about my reputation just think of your hospital's okay" he said in a threatening tone.

"Okay I ll call her" he said and called her via intercom.

"Dr.Pragya.. Just come to my cabin right now" said Dr.Lalwani helplessly.

"But sir I'm in lecture" said Pragya.

"No leave that and just come soon" said Dr.Lalwani by staring at Abhi.

After 10 minutes Pragya knocked the door "May I come in sir"

"Yes Pragya come in" approved Dr.Lalwani.

She entered and shocked in gasp as Abhi was sitting there with a proud grin on his face but she ignored his presence and moved towards doctor.

"Sir,You called me" she asked by staring at Abhi.

"He wanna you to apologize him" said doctor as there is no other way.

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