He gave me a heart warming smile which me return it in no time. Then he approached me with a bouquet of white tulips in his hands.

"For you my princess," he handed me the bouquet.

"Thank you and what are you doing?" I whispered only for him to hear since the whole student body is watching us immensely.

"Be patient baby," he winked at me.

He walked back towards the ambulance and held the microphone close to his chest.

Tug. Tug. Tug. Tug

Then suddenly the crowd became silent, so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.

"Do you hear this tug?" He asked me.

I nodded nervously as I felt the burn rising in my cheeks.

"I get this feeling when I'm with you, only you and forever you." He recited.

I smiled, touched at his words as the girl 'awwwed' and cooed, Ally is giggling like a love sick puppy.

"Man, this guy has the moves," Ally whispered in my ear.

I nodded without turning to face her because I was too focused on Carson's face and what he is going to say.

"All of you might be wondering why I'm saying all of this, some of you might be thinking that I'm going to propose but no, I'm not." He paused.

My face and heart dropped when I heard those words.

Is he breaking up with me?

"Oh no Cass, wipe that frown off your stunning face. That's not what I meant, I'm not going to propose to you now but I'm 100 percent sure that I will when the right time comes and I'm not breaking up with you why would you think that? I won't make this any longer so, Cass this is for you."

He went inside the ambulance and seconds later he came out with a guitar draped on his shoulder. He once again winked at me and mouthed

'This is for you sugar.'

My heart tugged again as soon as he mouthed me those because now I know that he's really proud of me.

He started to strum the guitar gracefully then later on I realized that he's strumming the chords of my favorite song "Ever Enough" by A Rocket To The Moon. He looked straight into my eyes as he started singing.

A/N (If you still didn't listen to this song, I suggest that you should listen to it, it's really good.)

I will always be yours forever and more

Through the push and the pull

I still drown in your love

And drink 'til I'm drunk

And all that I've done,

Is it ever enough..

He strummed the last chord skillfully without taking his eyes off me, smiling as the crowd cheered and clapped while the girls are busy cooing and drooling at him.

I was like 'back off bitches'.

"Yo Cass!" I heard Ian's voice which made me snap out of my trance.

I turned my head towards their direction and the moment I saw them I froze.

Each of the basketball player held a rose in their and walked towards me one by one to give the rose. I received a total of 21 roses (yes I counted it) then they returned to their places. This time they ripped their uniform off and it revealed their jersey. Jack, who is the first person on the left most part turned around and his jersey flashed a "W" then followed by the other players "I-L-L Y-O-U G-O T-O P-R-O-M W-I-T-H M-E?"

I nearly cried because I thought that these things only exists in books but it turns out that it's real.

"Cassidy Taylor, will you go to prom with me?" Carson asked me with a nervous look etched on his face.

Everyone chanted and cheered 'say yes!'



"Hell Yeah!" I shouted which caused everyone to erupt in laughter.

After laughing they clapped and cheered. Carson's face literally lit up and he placed the microphone on the grass as he ran towards me. I jumped into his arms as he spin me around. I throw my head back as I laugh.

"Enough now, put me down?" I said softly with a chuckle.

He put me down gently as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. He leaned down and put his arms on my waist as he said.

"Thank you so much." He whispered affectionately.

He pecked me on the lips, I pulled away quickly as I scan the field to find everybody staring at us. I looked up at him not caring if everybody is watching I kissed him in full lips.

He tightened his grip on my waist as he tugged my hair gently and I mimicked his movements. I thread my fingers in his blonde locks. He licked my lips begging for entrance, I opened my mouth to let him explore mine. His hands played at the hem of my shirt and later on I felt a warm hand on my bare back. I moaned and bit his lip as gently as-


He pulled away from me with his forehead touching mine as he shot me an apologetic look. He took his phone out and looked at the caller I.D.

"Way to ruin a moment," he mumbled breathlessly before answering.

"Hey dad." He said in a dull voice.

I watch as his eyes lit up in an instant and smiled at me.

"Ok thanks! Bye." He said cheerfully.

"Why did he call?" I asked him curiously.

"Remember when I told you that we'll press charges to your dad?" He grinned.

"Yeah." I took a sharp intake of breath.

"Well, they found him and he's in a restraining order right now, he can't get near you and the trial will be held next month," his lips tugged upwards.
I smiled and hugged him tightly while he nuzzled his face on my neck.

Sorry Dad..

"What's going on here?!" Mr. Stonebridge our principal roared.

Oh god, we're in a dipshit.


Hola Amigos!

I'm sorry I updated late, I've been caught up in school but I think I wrote long enough to make it up:)

Anyways, isn't Carson sweet?? Thank you for reading!! Please Continue to VOTE and COMMENT, I'd really love it when you give me feedbacks, it makes my day!:)

-ohhlala_77 xx

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