♥02♥ How to shop

Start from the beginning

"I grabbed these, put them on." 

"Senpai, am I not pretty?" She was disappointed that Kise gave her a positive review but Kasamatsu didn't seem happy about it one bit. 

"Your ears and your tail is already catching attention! If you wear close to nothing, everyone's attention is all on you!" 

"That is bad? I'm sorry..." 

Kasamatsu breathed out a sigh; it's not her fault, she doesn't know these things.

"I want to be able to look at you in the eyes if you're going to be living with me from now on..." 

Hisui blinked and she felt herself smile because of his words. "Senpai, help me get dressed?" 


"I forgot how to do buttons." 

"You idiot! You do it like this..." 

She couldn't pay attention to his instructions on how to do buttons because she's too busy listening to her beating heart that's making a melody just for him. 

Hisui pulled the long socks up and she looked at herself in the mirror. She liked the cardigan, the green stripey tie, white shirt, and the pleated skirt. She thought she looked adorable. "Senpai, do I look okay?" 

Kasamatsu looked at her in the eyes and he smiled slightly, "This is more like it. You look good." 

Hisui waved her tail, very happy to know Kasamatsu liked the way she dressed. She rubbed her cheek against his chest, purring cutely as she displayed affection towards him in her own little way. 

He wanted to hit her for the sudden physical contact out of nowhere, but looking at how happy she looked, he didn't want to ruin her little moment. He patted her on the head, scratching the back of her cat ear. 

"Senpai, it tickles~." 

"Are you ready to leave now?" He opened the door for her and he paid for her clothes before they both walked around to find Kise was waiting for them outside. 

"Kise, look! I look good!" 

"Senpai, why did you dress her as if she's wearing a uniform? Could it be you have a uniform fetish?!" 

"That is not true! I just think she suits it, okay?! If she wears this, I don't have to worry about her stripping off easily!" 

"Still...she looks like she's ready for school. Hisui-san, are you happy with this? We can go back and search again." 

"I love this!" 

"You're too nice to Kasamatsu-senpai even though he has bad tastes in clothes." 

Hisui shook her head, "This is the first thing he picked out for me! I'm happy with this!" 

Kasamatsu blushed at her words, he looked away nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Hisui, stop being so happy over every little thing..." 

"Tee-hee~! Come on, Senpai! Let's keep shopping! You have to pick my clothes for me!" 

"What? Me?" 


"Choose it yourself, you're the one wearing them!" 

"But you're the one who will see me in them first thing in the morning." 

He blushed again, why was he blushing over her words? Over someone whom he did not know that long. 

"F-fine. You can't complain though!" 


Kise followed after them, even more proud of his senpai! From his point of view, looking at the way Hisui hugged Kasamatsu's arm, they looked like a cute couple...and he looked like a 3rd wheel! 


After a good while of shopping, Kasamatsu sat down on a bench with shopping bags full of stuff he picked out for Hisui. Everything in the bags were picked out by him, things that he thought would look good on her. 

"Hisui, you okay?" 

"A little tired. My feet hurt." 

"Kise, take my wallet and get us some ice cream." 

"Eh? I am tired also!" 

"Now! Or I will knock off your head!" Kasamatsu was so tired but he still had the strength to beat up Kise if that was necessary. 

Kise reluctantly went, he got up and left after hearing what flavor Kasamatsu wanted him to get. 

"Kasamatsu-senpai, thank you so much!" 

"Whatever. At least now I won't have to see you naked." 

"You don't like me naked?" 

Kasamatsu looked at her, "I don't want to see you naked."

"Why not?" 

"Because..." How should he say this?

"It's because I like Senpai a lot that I want to make Senpai happy!" 

"Wait, you think being naked will make me happy?" 

"Of course!" 

"Hisui..." He had to facepalm! She's so stupid! "It's true that some guys are happy about it...but not me!" 

"Why not you?" 

"Because I am not that sort of guy! If I want to see you naked, I'll let you know, okay?! So don't you appear naked for no reason again!" 

"But what if I need a bath?" 

"Then you can be naked." 

"How do I get changed without taking clothes off?" 

"Work that one out, you idiot!" He slapped the top of her head, "Quit asking stupid shit!" 

"So mean!" 

Kise soon came back with the ice creams. Kasamatsu got himself a chocolate flavor and he told Kise to get her a raspberry flavor. 

Hisui grabbed the ice cream and looked at Kasamatsu and Kise enjoy their own ice cream. She worked it out on her own that it was edible. So what did she do? She took out a bite out of it and she was greeted with brain freeze. 

"It hurts!" 

"Moron! Who told you to bite it?!" Kasamatsu proceeded to rub her head to soothe the pain in her head. "Geez, you are a handful!" 


'They are so cute...' Kise thought they were so adorable, they were like a couple! He had to take a picture of the two of them because they were too cute to ignore! 

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