Introduction + Part 1

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Her name is Lizzy. She always loved things which were connected to love, relationships and anything even slightly cheesy.

Today, she's 26 years old and could not have been more ready for love.

There is, however, one problem.

She is obsessed about it.

She is willing to do a n y t h I n g to prove that she is worth it.

In a journey of blind dates, awkwardness, with a bit of action and more- welcome to the book "Obsessed".


"Are you crazy?"

"Are you sure you're not on drugs?"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Still sure you're not on drugs? Positive?"

These are questions I've heard throughout my life, and I'm not trying to fright you right from the start, or make you think I'm actually crazy. I'm so not. I just wanted to show you that its not news to me, my way of thinking can be quite different from other people.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Lizzy, and in high school people would call me "lose it" or "loser" of their choice. Like one of those personal references I guess, like preferring chocolate or vanilla. But hey, high school has past so that's that. Now I work in editing the magazine "Balance". Yep, quite the job I got there. Some people say that sounds cool, other say boring. Whatever.

And now, to the most interesting part about a person... their love life and statues. Mine, well, you could say were quite remarkable. Not in a good way though. When I was twenty years old I had my first serious relationship. His name was Toby, and we dated for just over a year. It didn't really end well, although I did get the apartment- and a restraining order. Long story.
After that I went out a lot to different clubs, searching for a purpose. Most of the time the purpose was a guy, but sometimes it was just for me, enjoying to act like somebody else- sexy librarian, dumb blonde, past lesbian, ideal woman and the list continues. Anyone, but me. I can be quite good with illusions when needed. That was how my life was structured for half a year. Most of the guys came and left after one night, some stayed for two weeks maximum.
After that half year, I broke down, and the sadness and anger I succeed in pushing out with my illusions came in like a wrecking ball. So, I did what any girl would do- I tried to return to Toby. Long story short- I ended up in jail for a few days.

After that, in some odd way, my luck changed. I had two serious boyfriends since then, both whom I believed might be the one. There was only one problem. I was dating both of them in the same time. What can I say? Both were incredible, one Australian and the other British, and I didn't know and didn't want to choose between them. After a few months they found out and dumped me, can't say I didn't deserve it.

But hey, all that was before I was twenty six years old. In my perspective, it was forever ago.
Since then I've learnt a few basic lessons:

a) Don't date two guys at the same time.

b) Don't injure the boyfriend's cat, then insult his mum and then press and ask about marriage.


"Seriously? Even Jdate? You're not even Jewish!" Pitt said and looked at my online profile.

"What's the problem? Come on, half the people there aren't Jewish."

"The issue is that online dating sites are just..."

"New? Intriguing? Different?" I tried to help him.

"More like weird, desperate, and dangerous?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at the three dresses laying on my bed.

"Pitt, it's not dangerous. Now, tell me, which dress should I wear; the sexy one, cute or casual?"

"You mean to ask whether to wear the black, blue or red dress right?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "You know what I mean."

"No, not really to be honest." He said and scratched his head.

Pitt's my best friend for four years now. How did we meet? Long story (I say that quite a bit, I know). In short, it was through one of my acting games in a club. That time I was acting like a French tourist, lost in the big city of New York. We went to his apartment, and happily we didn't anything because I was super drunk. It wasn't too long after that I went to Toby and all that crisis happened. Anyways, the next day I left and in the middle of the day I realized I took his phone instead of mine. That was how our glories friendship was born.

"Wear the blue one." Pitt said after sometime.

"You're right. The black one it is."

"Excuse me, are you by any chance Lizzy Miller?" I heard a man with a strong American accent say behind me. I felt goosebumps running down my arms.
I turned around slowly and said "yes, Blake McLany?"
Oh god. The man in front of me looked like he was cut out of a magazine. I should know. He was taller than me by a head, he had light brown hair, a conquering white smile and honey brown eyes. For a few seconds both our eyes trailed the other.

Thank goodness I wore the sexy dress.

"Shall we enter?" he asked and pointed at the restaurant.

"Sure," I said and tried not to seem too excited.

And I just knew this night would be unforgettable.

Hope you liked the first part :)

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