Blank Pages and Other Fancy Stuff

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"Let me guess... This is going to be another one of those days where you just dump something on paper so it will count towards the badge." Simon said as he watched the Writer frantically typing away before bed.

"Quiet! Writing!"


The combination of alcohol and medication had resulted in some of the weirdest dreams Simon could remember having. Normally he couldn't remember his dreams at all and those that did catch hold were only mirrors of his waking life. He dreamt about mountains and writing, not... whatever this was.

There was a vast emptiness around him filled with near invisible churning fog that occasionally lit up with various colors. It was sort of like walking through a thundercloud only the whole thing was eerily silent. He was floating, or something akin to floating and while he couldn't see anyone else in the mists he was certain that someone was there.

He tried talking and then shouting and then some frustrated yelling as he realized nothing he did made any noise. It was his dream dammit, he should be able to control things.

Then all of a sudden he could feel the attention of whatever it was in the darkness with him suddenly shift. He froze for a moment, terrified, as things churned around him, but then after a heartbeat the other presence was gone.


"You can't leave it like that." Simon objected as the timer went off and the Writer packed up for the night.

"Can, will– I promise I'll get back to it tomorrow!"

Simon watched in disbelief as the Writer vanished into the story fog as fast as she'd come. He sat back down in his comfy chair, pulled out a drink and his tablet. If his Writer was going to be like that... well then he'd wait right here until she got back and dammed if he wasn't going to be counting the seconds too.

With a mutter he abandoned his research into writing and dove back into the fanfic instead.

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