Its your fault

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#antirape #victimblaming #quotes #reality #rapequotes #antirapecampaign

Let's talk because that's all what we can do.Right?
I'm gonna write something and you will either appreciate it or ignore it.
But at the end of the day the world is a Screwed up mess
At the end of the day the world
Hasn't changed a bit
We keep on getting aware
Still nothing is happening.
Women are being raped and abused , in order to justify they are blaming it on their clothes or they didn't reach home before dusk or some other shit.
But guess what they are not even safe at homes.
Honestly , I think we should just put every girl in short clothes , every girl who is out there after sunset , every girl raising her voice behind the bars because damn! You can't put the real culprits there.
And yea men get abused too but they are men you know , they preach sex and their consent is just nothing , because it's obvious they want it.
I salute that person who came up with this  awesome logic.

Now you will probably like it or comment or do some other shit while in reality you will call a girl in mini skirt "slut" and tell a guy in that he is not a "real man" for not watching porn
At the end I can't change the way you think, at the end i can't heal this world but I ain't going down without fighting.

Ps- who keeps their freaking respect in their reproductive parts?? I don't.

ANNOUNCEMENT: plz check my page crazphile on the Facebook (link is in my bio ) and Instagram


And if there is something you wanna say then you are most welcome.

Plz press the star button

Love u


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