Although his body was ache, Taehyung tremblingly raised his hand to touch that angel’s face. “Don’t waste your tears for someone like me….”

“Why did you have to go this far? Didn’t I tell you to leave? Didn’t I tell you that I never liked you…?”

As he trailing down her unblemished face, Taehyung smiled, “Stop lying, pretty. You can try to convince the whole world that you don’t like me… But your eyes can’t fool me….”

“Don’t fall in love with me, Taehyung-ssi. I’m not the right girl for you. And I don’t want to blame myself if anything happens to you….” Tiffany fought her tears and pressed her feeling inside.

Although it was painful to even move his lips, Taehyung couldn’t stop smiling, “how can I not love you? You are everything to me. Your smile is more precious than the whole world….” He grinned. “If it’s not you, I don’t want anyone then.”

Tiffany couldn’t take it anymore. Her tears broke. She gave in to Taehyung’s arm. She sobbed in silence.

Taehyung pulled the only woman he loved in this world closer to his chest than ever. Those two lovers were lying down on a cold gravel alley but there was indescribable warmth sparked in their hearts. 

“Don’t cry… I’m not here to make you cry….” He gently whispered in Tiffany’s ears.

“It’s too late now…. You already made me cry.” Her sadness and her happiness collided and merged into one.

After Seonghwa told his bouncers to get rid of Taehyung’s unconscious body somewhere else, the cold hearted man dragged Tiffany into the club. No matter how hard she tried to free herself from his clutch, Seonghwa didn’t seem to care. He took Tiffany to his private bedroom where he cruelly tossed her onto the bed.

“No…, you can’t… what have you done to Taehyung? Where did they take him? Taehyung didn’t do anything wrong!” Tiffany ruined her make-up with her overflowing tears.

“Shut up!” Seonghwa slapped Tiffany and pressed her body onto the bed. “Does he think he can have you?” Seonghwa glowered at Tiffany’s eyes. “You are mine, Tiffany. You are only mine!”

Tiffany’s tears wetted the corner of her eyes. She looked away. “No…, let me go….”

Seonghwa snorted, “do you think he will still love you if he knows how filthy you are?” He savored Tiffany’s fear and anguish as if she was just a fine dinner for him to eat. Seonghwa ripped off Tiffany’s red dress, exposing her flawless chest. Tiffany cried in silence. She bit her lips painfully and gripped the bed sheet tightly. How she wished she could just die.

Tiffany closed her eyes the whole time. Her body ached, but it was her heart that miserably shattered. When Seonghwa finished, he grinned satisfactorily. He scorned at Tiffany as he put on his shirt. “You used to like our little game. Why are you crying? Didn’t I just give you the pleasure you’ve always treasured?” He left the room, leaving Tiffany half naked in her bed. She curled her body and cried out loud.

Taeyeon ran into the room. “Fany-ah, Fany-ah!” She knelt before the bed. Taeyeon instantly hugged Tiffany’s bare body.

“Taeyeon-ah….” Tiffany sobbed. Her tears fell onto Taeyeon’s shoulders.

Taeyeon didn’t know which feeling was raging more in her heart at that very moment: anger or pain?

   She was handing over a drink for a regular customer when she saw Seonghwa dragged Tiffany along the corridor of the club.

Taeyeon quickly followed them. But Seonghwa’s bodyguard hindered her from barging into the bedroom. She could only helplessly overhear Tiffany’s faint voice, lamenting and begging Seonghwa to stop what he was doing to her. It wasn’t the first time Taeyeon encountered such thing. She knew exactly what Seonghwa did to Tiffany all this time. He always proudly showed them that Tiffany had sold her body in exchange for money.

“I need to see Taehyung. I need to know where they took him.” Tiffany wiped away her tears. It wasn’t the right time to feel sorry for what had just happened to her. She had to find out where Taehyung was and what those bouncers did to him.

“You can’t leave like this.” Taeyeon looked at Tiffany’s ripped dress on the floor. She quickly got up and left the room. Five minutes later she came back with a sweater and a pair of jeans.

“They dumped Taehyung in the ‘third’ alley.” After learning that she couldn’t do anything to help Tiffany, Taeyeon quickly asked one of the bouncers of what had happened. One of the bouncers told her about Taehyung and where they had abandoned his unconscious body. Taeyeon wanted to check if Taehyung was still alive, but she couldn’t leave the club knowing Seonghwa might do something to harm Tiffany inside the room. She was torn between two choices. Taeyeon was too confused she ended up standing near Seonghwa’s room like a dummy.


“Fany-ah,” Taehyung whispered, “let’s go somewhere far from here. Let’s get married and build our own family.”

The alley was dark and cold. The damp ground beneath them made their situation ever sadder. But Taehyung’s embrace was enough to keep Tiffany’s heart warm. She bitterly bit her lips so that tears wouldn’t run through her cheeks again.

Taehyung delicately rose and sat down. He looked into Tiffany’s eyes so tenderly. Tiffany realized that she wanted to spend her lifetime with this handsome man. “Let’s be happy together.” He whispered with his most gentle voice.

“Can we really do that?”

Taehyung nodded. He moved his face closer to Tiffany’s. His red lips gently touched hers. It was the first kiss he had ever given to a girl.[]

The Taste of Tears (VFany Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora