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The flight went smoothly, but it was extremely lengthy. Both Jasmine and Niall had ended up sleeping a large portion of the flight, watching movies on their bed, cuddling and eating snacks. When they finally landed in beautiful Bora Bora, it was nearly 30 hours later.

"Welcome to Bora Bora, everyone!" The cheery tour guide chirps. "While you're here, you will be getting to know your partner better and getting to know each other a bit." She smiles, her white teeth shining in the sun. "Any questions?" She asks, looking around the group. Everyone groaned, much too tired for their own good. "Okay then. Well, we'll hop on the bus and everyone can go and get some rest!" She claps her hands, and everyone walks to the bus.

Once seated, Niall immediately leans over to Jasmine, smiling. "Harry's just texted me. Apparently Louis got matched." Niall beams. "That's lovely!" Jasmine replies, pulling out her own phone to check her notifications. "Well... I'll tell you later, actually. Now isn't a good time." Niall whispers, then intertwines his fingers with Jasmine's. She leans her head on his shoulder, humming a bit of "Little Things" as she drifts off to sleep.

The couple arrives at the resort, which was entirely made up of newly matched couples. Their room was a normal sized hotel room, complete with a large jacuzzi tub in the bathroom and a large fruit basket full of tropical fruits.

"Wow, this is quite something!" Jasmine notes, as she walks around the hotel room. "It is." Niall agrees. He puts their bags down and flops down on the bed. Jasmine looks out the window to the view of the resort grounds, smiling happily. "This is beautiful." She whispers. Niall smiles. "It is." 

And little did she know, he was looking not at the view, but at her.

Heyoooo! I'm back! I haven't written in forever and I honestly adore this story, the plot and all. I want to keep it going! Comment and let me know how you feel about it, my dear readers!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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