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"Honey! Your dress came in today!" Natalie Cole yells up the stairs at her daughter, and Jasmine comes rushing down, nearly falling down the wooden stairs.

"Mum! I told you to tell me as soon as it came, the second it happens!" She complains, making her mother roll her eyes. "Love, it only came in this morning, you were off to school already."

Natalie sighs, opening the pink box, which, inside held her absolutely perfect mating ceremony dress. A turquoise coloured gown, with a perfect neckline, tiny jewels embroidered in the corset.

Needless to say, Jasmine would turn heads in the dress. Her mother lets out a soft sigh, as she gazes at her oldest daughter who is looking so lovingly at her dress. "Is it perfect?" Mrs. Cole asks, and Jasmine nods her head.

"It's beautiful, mum." She lets out a long sigh, and hugs her mother. "I can't believe I'm going to know who my future husband is in less than a week!" She chimes, making her mother smile.

"Who do you think it is?" Jasmine asks. "Well, I think it will be a lovely blonde boy, just so you two can have little blonde babies." Her mother whispers, and Jasmine lets out a little giggle.

"Now, I'm going to go listen to One Direction, bye mum!" Jasmine says, as she scoops up her dress and the pink box, bounding up the stairs to her room.

The older wooden staircase creaked ever so slightly as she made her way up, but their house was so incredibly beautiful that it was worth a creak here and there.

Her father, James Cole, had lived in the house with his family when he was a boy. Him, his mother, and his four brothers and sisters. As James' parents grew older, they became more reliant on him for help, so he moved in to help more.

Then, he got matched to Natalie, and the rest is history. He and his new wife built a family, and built a life in Brighton. He, a successful businessman, travelling constantly, and his wife, an avid author.

She had written a few best selling books, and the rest still did decently well. And now, their first born child, little Jasmine, was going to be mated. She would be mated to a man (hopefully) lives close to them, and who is a gentleman. But, the people who the society matches them to makes sure that they are perfect for each other.

Jasmine sits in her room, One Direction on full blast. She absolutely loves them. She has been their biggest fan since she was 11 years old. Her favourite boy, of course, was Harry. His curly hair, green eyes, dimples, and his adorable smile. Who wouldn't love him? Sadly, she hadn't gotten the chance to see them live, which would have been wonderful. Currently, the boys are about to release their fifth album, and then go on a hiatus.

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