Chapter 2: The First Heist

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Dale and Connor have been walking for a day now and were riding a bear now. "Connor, I know that you've been training in the woods and everything, but you never told me you could tame a bear by force," Dale said. Connor grinned, "Well once you wrestle a tiger and live you feel like you can do anything." 'When Connor says stuff like that it makes me nervous that someday he'll overpower me,' thought Dale. "Hey Dale," Connor asked, "How many trees do you think are on this island?" What a random question. "Umm, I'd have to say about 800,000," Dale replied.


Connor sighed, "I'm so bored!" He laid back on the big bear while still holding the rope he used as the leash. "You shouldn't be. Do you realize that we are on our way to rob a warlord, right?" Dale asked. Connor just sighed and closed his eyes, "Yeah, I know. But, still, I would like to do something." Dale was getting agitated by his brother's need to do something. "Just go to sleep and I'll wake you up when we stop, ok?" Dale suggested. Connor just turned over to his side and put his hands under his head. Dale then grabbed the harness of the bear from him and said, "Alright Poo, let's go." Dale now regretted letting Connor choose the name of the bear.

A few minutes later he heard Connor snoring. The bear walked through the forest with ease. Luckily nothing bothered them because, well, it's a bear. No one wants to mess with a bear. About eight hours later Connor was up and they were at the border of the city that holds the palace. "Who knew that Axcentria was this big," Connor said in awe. They decided to go on foot into the city because, as stated earlier, it's a bear.

The pair walked through the big gates to the town of 'Bandelium'. The town was a very small circle of buildings and shops surrounding a big palace. There were people roaming the streets shopping, people eating, and merchants selling things. "Alright, Connor you got a plan of how we do this?" Dale asked, then realized that Connor was looking at some vests, jackets, and shirts. Connor picked out a thin purple button-up shirt with some sort of wave pattern on it. "Hey Dale, can I have this?" Connor asked. Dale sighed, "Yeah sure, how much?" Connor asked the man at the counter of the shop. "He said 30 silvers," Connor said. Dale reached into the bag he was carrying, pulled out his money, and handed it to Connor. 30 silvers was a lot, but if this plan went well, it would be nothing because robbing warlords would give them way more. Connor bought the shirt and then proceeded to take his shirt off and change into it. His whole outfit was plain brown shorts and a purple shirt buttoned up about halfway. "You realize most people button their shirts all the way, right?" asked Dale. "Yeah but that would restrict my moves so much," replied Connor.

Now that they were back on track and were walking towards the palace Dale asked again, "So, you got a plan for this?" Connor nodded his head. "Can you tell me it?" Dale asked. "Oh yeah, well someone told me that the guy has all of his money stored in some kind of vault underground. We just need to locate it and steal the cash," Connor replied. "You make it sound so simple," Dale replied sarcastically. They decided on starting the operation tomorrow. That night they rented a small room in a tiny apartment building.

The beds were old, wooden, and made a loud sound every time you move. Connor could sleep through it all but Dale stayed up thinking about what they would do. If this job went off smoothly and they actually got money, they would be set forever. Except he knew that Connor wouldn't let that happen. They may be robbing him but they won't keep all the money, they'll just give it to the townsfolk. Suddenly Dale saw a shadow down below in the streets. The road was just a narrow stretch of dirt and at this time of night, no one should be out.

The figure was wearing a dark cloak that hid his face. He was walking when towards an alleyway across the street from where we were staying. As the cloaked person walked into the alleyway Dale noticed there were two other people there holding a bag. Dale leaned on the rail and got ready to jump Incase anything went wrong.

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