Chapter 1: A Dream That Started it All

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Connors age: 9

"I will be a pirate, just like my father once was!" Shouted a little boy with red hair in the tavern. The room went silent for a moment, then everyone burst out laughing. "Yeah boy, when that happens my father will come back," someone said, "Oh wait, he's dead!" The Pirates that were drinking in the tavern kept laughing. "Don't worry Cornelius, they may not believe in you, but I do," said the boy's older brother, "I'll even make a deal with you. If, I mean, when, you become a pirate, I will be your first mate, if you'd let me of course." The older boy was named Dale. The two were brothers, not in blood though. Yet their bond was deeper and would continue that way for the rest of their lives. "Yeah Dale, you'll be the first person on my crew." The journey to their fame started right here. This tavern would eventually become the starting point of the Great Red Beard Pirates.

Seven years later 1789

Connor was now a muscular teenager. He trained his body to withstand almost impossible feats. That so, he still needed help in his brain. Even though he could climb trees as fast as an ape, run as fast as a horse, jump as high and far as a kangaroo, and be strong as an ox, he still wasn't as smart as your average twelve-year-old.

Connor jumped from his tree house and ran a quarter of a marathon (6.5 miles) back to his village. As he ran through town he greeted the passing people. "Hello, Mr. Garrison!" He shouted. "Hi, Ms. Ferris!" He said to the old lady. "Oh hello Connor, can you help me for a bit?" She asked. Connor stopped and talked, "I'm sorry on any other day I would but today is really special, I could help tomorrow if that is fine with you?" Ms. Ferris agreed to have help tomorrow and let Connor get back to his previous activities.

As he finally got to his brother and his brother's wife's house he stopped and knocked on the door. "Coming!" He heard his brother yell. A moment later he heard a piece of wood slide, meaning someone was unlocking the door, and then Dale opened the door. "Dale quickly, come with me," Connor said walking past Dale into the house and down the stairs to the basement. Dale, still confused, followed anyway. When in the basement, Connor sat down at the table in the middle of the room. The table had a map of the entire West Ocean. "One week from now," said Connor, "you, Grant, your wife, if you want, and I are finally going," Connor said taking pins from a drawer. "Going where?" Asked Dale." In one week's time, we will be setting sail and finally becoming pirates," replied Connor.

"What? We can't just set sail with no goal. We need a plan, a navigator, food, supplies, a chef, and a captain," said Dale. Connor started putting pins in very specific locations. "I do have a goal, I already got the supplies, your wife knows how to cook, and I am the captain," said Connor. Dale sighed, "What about a ship?" Connor stopped what he was doing. "I didn't think of that," Connor said. "Ok Connor, I guess that I can get you a boat. But, you have to promise me that it will never get destroyed," said Dale. Connor was finally done pinning about 20 pins on the giant map.

"So, where are we going anyways?" Asked Dale.

"We are going to become the best criminals ever!"

"What? Why would you want to do that?"

"Well, that's just putting it in simpler terms. Our main objective is to rob the warlords of the western ocean."

"What the hell?! What made you want to do this crazy thing?"

Suddenly Connor stopped smiling and looked at the ground. He paused for a long time. "Here on Axcentria, we are basically protected from everything. Have you ever noticed that not even one person has ever come here from a different place? I found out the reason. That's why," Connor said pointing to the pin he stuck in Axcentria, "we are starting with the warlord of our island." Then Dale questioned, "What? Why him? He hasn't done anything bad." Connor chuckled, "That's just what he wants you to think. Do you know how we have to stay on this island for our whole lives? Well, I learned that others don't have to do that. Also, he has been blindly robbing us. Having spies steal from us when we aren't looking. But, that's not even the worst of it. He is the reason Dad is dead." Connor was looking down with his hair covering his eyes so Dale couldn't see them. Dale backed up, shaking. "W-what? N-no way. Why?" Asked Dale.

"That's just it, I don't know why. But that's one reason why he is first," replied Connor, "That is also why I said one week. Our adventure really starts today. Now, get some food ready. We are going to the Palace." Dale nodded his head, fully in agreement. They had been ready for this since the day that they decided they would be pirates.

Connor then picked up the board, with the map pinned on it, and carried it upstairs to the kitchen, setting it down on the center table. Dale's wife, Kate, walked in as he set down the board. "Oh, hello Connor, I knew I heard loud stomping at the door. I just thought Dale was having another fit," she said. Connor smiled, "Nope, just me!" Kate laughed and went to clean the dishes. "So what have you two got planned this time?" She asked. "Well, actually I will tell you in a week. That way you can't talk yourself out of it in that time," Connor replied, "Also I will have to borrow your husband for the next few days. He is helping me with something super duper important." Kate sighed, "What is it this time?" Connor held up his hands in defense, "Nothing, nothing. Just know that we may need medical help when we get back." Kate laughed, "Just come back alive from your so-called quest." Connor nodded his head.

Suddenly Dale came from his bedroom with clothes and was now getting food. "Connor, how long do you think this will take?" Asked Dale. "Well the journey there should take about a day, then we'll have to do all the technical stuff, so pack food for about four days," Connor replied.

Dale packed up the food in no time then said goodbye to his wife and the two were off. "So, did Kate believe me when I told her we might die?" Connor asked. "It's best she doesn't believe you," Dale replied sighing.

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