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"So, how's your new daddy?"
Ben teased as we sat on the couch in the pool room.
His suit jacket off along with his shoes.
"He's not my daddy," I rolled my eyes at him, taking my last bite of the pizza, "I just call him that because if I don't he'll beat my ass."
He nodded, "But I'm sure you still do things that deserve him beating your ass."
"Well, in his point of view.. Yes, very much but mine, not at all, in fact.. I am the ultimate good gir-"
He burst out laughing
I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's so funny?"
He started to calm down, "I know that I haven't known you for too long but I can tell you that you are anything but a good girl."
"Then what am I?"
"A brat."
I raised an eyebrow, "I disagree, how the fuck am I a brat?"
He sat crisscross, "You are spoiled, you curse a lot, you don't follow most of the rules- I'll bet that I'm not even supposed to be here am I?"
I kept silent because Charles did tell me not to let anyone in, especially those of the male gender.
He chuckled, "That's what I thought."
"But in my defense, he uses a paddle."
"Some daddy doms do, you're lucky he's not into whipping."
I laughed, "Oh no, if he tries to bring a whip towards me, I'm beating some ass."
He laughed and looked at his watch, "Shit, I gotta get going."
"You can't stay longer?"
He put back on his jacket and his shoes, "Wish I could but Henry wanted me back to file these accounts."
"File the accounts later."
"Also, if Charles catches me here there's the possibility of him snatching my balls off and beating me with them, so I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible."
He started walking back towards the pool door.
I nodded my head, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."
I giggled, "Maybe probably could be our always."
He opened the door and smiled, "Shut the fuck up."


"So how was your day alone?"
I felt arms wrap around my waist and I physically cringe hard.
"Please don't touch me."
He snickered, "I love the outfit you're wearing for me today."

"Don't flatter yourself," I rolled my eyes talking his arms off of me, "You know good and well that there were only three outfits in her room

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"Don't flatter yourself," I rolled my eyes talking his arms off of me, "You know good and well that there were only three outfits in her room."
He turned me around and kept his hands on my lower hips
"I wouldn't get so smart if I were you, because I will," He harshly grabbed my vagina, "Tear this apart."
I immediately smacked him in the face, along with a knee to the balls.
I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house, tearing off my shoes, hearing him call out my name.
While running down the road, I started calling Daddy.

"Are you okay?"
"Can you please come and get me?" I whimper, "Please Daddy?"
"I'll be there yesterday."

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