Was It Really That Simple?

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Kara runs all the way to Lena's apartment building and uses her private code for the penthouse elevator. Lena is waiting for her when she arrives.

Lena was notified the moment Kara entered the elevator, and since she didn't expect Kara today, she had checked the security camera. Kara was wiping her eyes and blowing her nose, so Lena knew something was up.

"Come in Kara, let me ..."

That's how far Lena got before Kara wrapped herself around her neck and started crying again.

"There, there." Lena just let her cry, and soon enough, Kara starts to explain herself as well as her sniffling allows.

"Alex ... was mean! ... and I don't know why! ... why?"

"Kara, if you use the bathroom over there to wipe your eyes and nose, then I'll make hot chocolate. Then we'll talk. Is that OK?"

Kara nods vigorously, and Lena gives her a gentle push towards the bathroom. She's so not accustomed to situations like this, so she's basically running "what would Kara do" simulations in her head. Let her cry. Make her comfortable. Then ask what the problem is. At least Kara had taught her how to make hot chocolate on this monstrously expensive espresso machine that she never used anyway.

Lena puts down a tray with two cups of chocolate just as Kara comes into the living room. She looks better now, or at least more collected. "Come here, Kara, and tell me what happened."

Kara sits down and sips the chocolate, which at least is rewarded with a sad smile.

"It's Alex. I don't know what's gotten into her. She showed me pictures of Supergirl and told me about her, and then suddenly she started claiming that I was Supergirl, and I had just forgotten. That's ridiculous! But she insisted, and Maggie was there and she didn't say anything, and then she started claiming that my real mother wasn't my real mother, because I was from Krypton, and that's just mean."

"So Alex thinks you are really Supergirl?"

"No she doesn't, it's just something she says. I mean, she has met Supergirl and everything. Supergirl even saved her today, and that wasn't me, I was at work. And I don't look like Supergirl."

Kara takes off her glasses, removes the band holding her hair, and shakes her head to make her hair fall down. "I mean, do I look like Supergirl?"

Lena suppresses her immediate reaction - a sarcastic "No, you just look like her identical twin" - and goes for the diplomatic "I can see what you mean."

Her thoughts are all over the place. Sure, she had suspected that Kara might be Supergirl, but when Supergirl disappeared and Kara was still here, she had put that idea on ice. And when Supergirl started appearing again, even once when Kara was at her place, it seemed impossible. But Alex Danvers knows things, and she would know that too, so if she insists, then ... why would she do that? Random meanness doesn't fit. Could she be right? That Kara really is Supergirl and has forgotten? But why suddenly start pushing her today? Supergirl was gone for months, and has been back for weeks, why today? And what made Supergirl forget? And what does this mean for her friendship with Kara? Strike that, not relevant. Yes it is! She can almost hear Kara's voice saying that. OK, it's important too. She needs something more to go on.

"I don't know Alex as well as you do, but from what you have said, she doesn't seem like someone who is just mean. Maybe he really thinks you are Supergirl. Do you have any idea why she thought that today? Or why she would want you to be Supergirl?"

Kara puts her glasses back on and thinks. It makes sense – Alex isn't mean, she almost never is, and only when she's angry and drunk. She didn't seem angry, or drunk. So maybe Alex really believes her silly idea.

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