The Breaking of the Spell

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"Right. OK, let's bring her in." He toggles the phone back on and speaks gently to Kara. "Miss Danvers, sorry to keep you waiting. Your sister has indeed been hurt, but not badly. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you there when the doctor is done seeing to her. If you tell me where you are, I'll get someone to pick you up... CatCo towers, OK, in ten minutes ... yes, the parking garage is fine. ... Thank you for calling."

J'onn turns to Winn again. "Agent Schott, take a civilian car, pick up miss Danvers, you'll get directions en route. Agent Vasquez, prepare to evac agent Danvers, I want her in medical in 10 minutes. Agent Donovan, get a med-evac running for agent Danvers ASAP." Winn was waving his hand to get attention, not very successfully. "Yes, agent Schott?"

"Why me? I'm not even a good driver."

"No, but you know Kara Danvers better than anyone else here, and she knows and trusts you. So you pick her up, act friendly, and notice everything out of the ordinary. I want a full report when you're back. Now GO!"

Winn doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary for a completely flustered and scared Kara. She doesn't stop talking for one moment, and all he can do is to concentrate on driving and repeating that Alex will be fine.

Kara paces while waiting for the doctor to let her in. When Dr. Hamilton opens the door and starts speaking, she's past her by "You can ...", running into the room where Alex is lying, and she throws herself at the bed. "Whoa, easy sis. I'll be fine!"

"What happened? Oh, Alex, I just felt like I was about to lose you!"

"It was just somebody resisting arrest. I got cut and lost some blood, and I will need stitches when they remove the bandage, but it's not that bad."

"Well, it felt bad to me!" It does calm down Kara to see Alex being so clear and calm. She'd feared that Alex would be unconscious, broken and bleeding, and she didn't know how she would have reacted to that.

Alex spots Winn through the door. "I'll be fine. Go keep Winn company while I get stitched up, for some reason they won't let me do it myself, even though I'm better at it than everybody else here."

"Sure you are." Dr. Hamilton is back. "But she's right, I won't let her do it herself, so I'll be taking over again."

Kara starts to move away, slowly, keeping Alex's hand in hers until their arms become too short. "Be safe, Alex!"

In the waiting room, Kara finally feels the last of the panic leave her, and she promptly breaks down crying. "I really ... felt like ... I lost her!"

Winn tries his best to console her.

A magical spell is a complex entity. In some ways, it is as if it is alive and aware. It has one job, to make the world the way its creator wanted it. To enforce the will of the sorceress onto the world.

It made Kara be a physically normal, average human and not Supergirl, which wasn't easy at all. And it requires something to keep that up.

If Circe had still been around, the power of her will would be enough to sustain the spell as long as she wanted. But she's long gone to search other worlds for her enemy.

If everybody believed the spell to be the truth, it would eventually become the truth, empowered by those beliefs. But Kara is always surrounded by people who disbelieves the spell and wants it to fail.

It's only anchor, it's only source of power, is really Kara's own wish to be normal. And Circe is very good at weaving spells, so that could have been enough, if only Kara would have accepted a world without Supergirl. But she couldn't, it just felt too wrong, and wrong is exactly the opposite of what the spell needs.

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